
全部话题 - 话题: whinin
发帖数: 2436
They should get this song. They are just immature.
-- get over it, by Eagles
I turn on the tube and what do I see
A whole lotta people cryin' "Don't blame me"
They point their crooked little fingers ar everybody else
Spend all their time feelin' sorry for themselves
Victim of this, victim of that
Your momma's too thin; your daddy's too fat
Get over it
Get over it
All this whinin' and cryin' and pitchin' a fit
Get over it, get over it
You say you haven't been the same since you had your little ... 阅读全帖
发帖数: 2719
of course, it could last longer.. but there is also a chance that it could
fail whinin the first year... for something that you would only use once a
year, i don;t think it is a good investment.
发帖数: 90
来自主题: Chess版 - 谢军专访 (转自
Conversation with World Champion Xie Jun
By Valery Salov
Q: Jun, first of all, sincere congratulations with your qualification
for the semifinals in a very convincing way. Let me also express
my profound admiration for your character. You are probably the
only World Champion in recent times, and perhaps in the whole
history of chess, who displayed a thoroughly sportive attitude
towards the title by having entered this competition, extremely
tough for the title-holder, without complaining, whinin
发帖数: 6151
来自主题: NCAA版 - 我觉得我们比tcu强
a win is a win. sour loser can only whinine about it...for another year