d******g 发帖数: 14 | 1 雅马哈电子琴DGX-230
489种XGlite/GM音色,116种面板音色 + 361种XGlite音色 + 12种鼓/特效音色
兼容格式 :GM1/XG
效果器:9种混响 + 4种合唱 + 5种均衡
注册记忆:8个库 x 2
移调:-12 到 +12
http://www.amazon.com/Yamaha-DGX230-Full-Sized-Instrument-Voi... 阅读全帖 |
i*****r 发帖数: 372 | 2 请问谁还对yamaha U1有兴趣, 我刚和yamaha的dealer 谈了, 他说最低三台就可, 越多
越好, 不过要快! |
C******8 发帖数: 30 | 3 YAMAHA u1团购有人有意向吗,西郊。几年前曾经有一个团是6000出头的价格,过了两
三年不知道价格怎样。另外恳请各位大牛们推荐一下靠谱的yamaha 琴行dealer |
V*****a 发帖数: 69 | 4 so far, I got a quite reasonable price ... though may not be attractive as
before :)
Kawari could be a good choice. I may personally prefer Yamaha over Kawari as
I was told that Yamaha is better for classical music -- its tone is crispy
and long-lasting; while the tone of Kawai is warmer which may better for "
Jazz" style.
to |
r********0 发帖数: 13 | 5 YAMAHA U1 钢琴团购
我想组织YAMAHA U1 钢琴团购 - 大芝加哥地区, 或WI, 或IN , 有兴趣请跟贴或EMAIL:
r******[email protected].
版主, 请保留这条信息. 谢谢 |
b*********l 发帖数: 67 | 6 OK。
yamaha U1 5+ perons: 5800 after tax; 10+ persons: 5700
Kawai K3 5+ persons: 4995 before tax (8% tax); 10+ persons: 4500
我个人perfer Kawai. Kawai声音比较rich, yamaha声音bright.
有人想一起团购吗? |
b*********l 发帖数: 67 | 7 更新初步统计数据 (但部分人还未填表):
-grand piano: 4
-upright U1: 4
-upright K3: 4
Yamaham U1: 5700 after tax, you can buy it at this price any time till 10/
10. For SD area, need more than 1 persons to get free shipping. 10 year
manufactory warranty. 10 year full price trade in. A regular bench is
included. Add $100 for the replacement of a regular bench with an adjustable
Kawaii K3: 4860 after tax for 5-6 persons. So we need 1-2 persons to get
this price. Free sh... 阅读全帖 |
b*********l 发帖数: 67 | 8 OK。
yamaha U1 5+ perons: 5800 after tax; 10+ persons: 5700
Kawai K3 5+ persons: 4995 before tax (8% tax); 10+ persons: 4500
我个人perfer Kawai. Kawai声音比较rich, yamaha声音bright.
有人想一起团购吗? |
b*********l 发帖数: 67 | 9 更新初步统计数据 (但部分人还未填表):
-grand piano: 4
-upright U1: 4
-upright K3: 4
Yamaham U1: 5700 after tax, you can buy it at this price any time till 10/
10. For SD area, need more than 1 persons to get free shipping. 10 year
manufactory warranty. 10 year full price trade in. A regular bench is
included. Add $100 for the replacement of a regular bench with an adjustable
Kawaii K3: 4860 after tax for 5-6 persons. So we need 1-2 persons to get
this price. Free sh... 阅读全帖 |
B****a 发帖数: 16 | 10 有没有感兴趣Yamaha钢琴团购的?洛杉矶, 橙县(Greater Los Angeles Area),San
Diego也可以。 已经和Dealer接触过了, 有合作意愿。人越多价钱越好。现在Yamaha
想买的回帖或者发信。 |
B****a 发帖数: 16 | 11 这一团将于12月10日2014截止,如果有要参加的, 请发信给我。多谢。没有发信的,
有没有感兴趣Yamaha钢琴团购的?洛杉矶, 橙县(Greater Los Angeles Area),San
Diego也可以。 已经和Dealer接触过了, 有合作意愿。人越多价钱越好。现在Yamaha
想买的回帖或者发信。 |
o*****c 发帖数: 99 | 12 我打听了一下,Kawai没有团购优惠.所以就没有组团的必要了.不过大家可以交流下信息
如果Yamaha U1团购价同Kawai差不多,Yamaha似乎合算些.现在已有三个左右想买了,还
有想报名的,请发email: o*****[email protected]. thanks |
o*****c 发帖数: 99 | 13 这几天打了好多电话,Twincities 的钢琴真贵啊,Yamaha U1 $7500+tax+$130 delivery
. 就算有四个以上的人买,也就10%discount. Kawai K3 $6000 including every thing
. 而且Twin cities 的Kawai dealer 没有团购价.
听说可以在Colorado 团购Kawai K3, 几经周折, 终于找到了那家店, 在Denver. 店主
给的价是, Kawai K3 including everything (piano, bench, delivery, no tax):
$5200/2 people;
$5100/3 people
$5000/4 people;
这是他开的价, 因为不知道有多少人要买,我还没有还价,有兴趣的, 想知道更多细节的
,请速与我联系: o*****[email protected]. Tel: 651-815-3173. 我砍价不行, 有砍价高手
的,欢迎一试身手.要是找不到至少两人以上,我们就打算从了Twin cities的Yamaha或
Kawai... 阅读全帖 |
l********A 发帖数: 21 | 14 现在不需要团购了,今年的价格是$6000全包(Yamaha U1,bench,free delivery,
one tuneup, no sale tax)。他告诉我已经卖了七八十台Yamaha钢琴给明州的华人。
我们定的大概下个星期送货,期待中。。。 |
l******m 发帖数: 5 | 15 我询问了好几家Yamaha的经销商,一家在Iowa, 两家在Chicago, 还有我们明州的。
Iowa 的,她说可以做团购,还没有给我最后的价格。
Chicago 的,不可以团购。
我也去了好几家店卖旧钢琴的,但是他们的琴实在太久了.Plymouth 的那家琴是1972年
左右的。Andren Hill 的琴1980的,音质还可以。这些旧琴好像都不是美国产的,可能
所以就想,或许有想要买琴的,我们可以合起来,弄个团购。 |
l********A 发帖数: 21 | 16 Yamaha的价格每年都会涨5%-10%, $5600那是去年的价格,我们4月份刚买,$6000全包
(Yamaha U1,bench,delivery, no tax,one free tune)。 |
T******8 发帖数: 4 | 17 I am trying to get a group purchase for Yamaha U1. I contacted a dealer in
NY, and got the preliminary information:
1. Black Yamaha U1, made in Japan, with the price between $6100 - $6200
depends on how many people in our group.
2. If you are living in NJ and CT, the dealer won't charge sales tax. But if
you live in NY state, the dealer will charge the sales tax, which is 8.625%.
3. Shipping fee depends on the delivery location, which can be provided
zip code is available. As far as I know... 阅读全帖 |
e*****y 发帖数: 131 | 18 【 以下文字转载自 PHILADELPHIA 讨论区 】
发信人: echerry (cherry), 信区: PHILADELPHIA
标 题: Yamaha U1
发信站: BBS 未名空间站 (Mon Nov 25 09:57:41 2013, 美东)
就是想share一下,刚买的yamaha u1, $6000 includes tax and shipping.不用团购,
2个礼拜左右到家。有兴趣给我私信,你自己打电话吧。 |
b*****l 发帖数: 491 | 19 我想参加团购YAMAHA u1,我住Hershey,PENNYLVANIA,可以吗? |
g*w 发帖数: 289 | 21 http://www.yamaha-keyboard-guide.com/yamaha-ypt-210.html
Almost new, had for 2 years, used probably 5 times. Considering getting a
real piano, so this must go.
Near Wall Street, 1,2,3,4,5,6,R train all within 2 mins walking distance.
Cash only. $50 or BO.
Thanks. |
s**********0 发帖数: 1956 | 22 在Elmhurst地区
40寸, KDL-40EX500, Full HD 1080P, 4 HDMI ports, 刷新率120Hz, 9成新,还有胶纸
没撕. 售价:500.
YAMAHA YPT-230 Premium Keyboard, 包括脚架, 61键. 9成新,基本没用过. 售价:85.
如果需要的同学们请自行搬运, 两者一起购买价格550.
请需要的同学们站内联系, 我会经常查看.
谢谢 |
z***t 发帖数: 47 | 23 NY的buyer,请关注sue2006的信息:
发信人: sue2006 (susu), 信区: NewJersey
标 题: Re: 有童鞋想一起购买YAMAHA U1?
发信站: BBS 未名空间站 (Sat Apr 26 16:57:58 2014, 美东)
Rockway music,flemington店:
1.brand new Yamaha u1
2.shipping from japan
8.group price, up 10 people,$5850+tax, ny 不交税,在皇后,曼哈顿等中心地带
charge $100运费
大家觉得怎么样? |
c***x 发帖数: 628 | 24 【 以下文字转载自 NewJersey 讨论区 】
发信人: cybmx (CY), 信区: NewJersey
标 题: Yamaha U3 团购
发信站: BBS 未名空间站 (Fri Mar 20 13:29:23 2015, 美东)
我。价钱很低,先到先得。仅限south jersey,PA,DE。 |
w*****e 发帖数: 721 | 25 We are planning on getting a Yamaha U1 (upright) from Greene Music.
The Yamaha U1 is an excellent piano that used in many US schools.
It is also very reliable and wildly recommended by all piano teachers.
The MSRP on the U1 is around 10K, and in many cases sold for $7K - $8.5K.
However, during our research of purchasing a piano for our daughter, we
found out that Green Music had sold it to a group for around $6000 (after
tax and delivery). If you go alone, you may get a deal from Green Music for... 阅读全帖 |
w*****e 发帖数: 721 | 26 I talked to Chris Lee from Hanmi Piano in LA. He said they can beat Greene
Music's price, however he can not quote the exact price over the phone or
email, due to Yamaha's Policy.
From the conversation:
Me: we got $5500 last year including tax.
he paused. (I think he can not beat this price)
Me: but it was from last year.
Chris: yep, so the price goes up every year, this year should be more.
But, don't worry about the price. We sold 10 to San Diego about 3 months ago
, and they are very happy..... 阅读全帖 |
n********h 发帖数: 13135 | 27 I have never heard anyone get Yamaha U1 at $5500 last year. Last year
the price from Green Music is $5900 and price from Hanmin is around
I do not think that you can get Yamaha U1 at 5500 these days.
months ago
blah.... |
s****n 发帖数: 156 | 28 Hi,
I think the chinese dealer you mentioned was disqualified about two years
ago. I know a group bought U1 from a qualified YAMAHA U1 from a US dealer
last year at a very good price. They are very happy at their pianos so far.
That store is a big store, and a certified YAMAHA dealer.
them |
s****g 发帖数: 1795 | 29 U1这种YAMAHA最低档的钢琴,头些年团购新的不到5000块,现在用料差了,价格却大幅
在你们身上榨取最大的价值。 二手市场上的U1才2000刀,一样用,用料更好。 而且卖
果太下贱的时候别说是CHINESE GROUP,别的CHINESE丢不起这人。
而且娃玩两天就不感兴趣了,你那钢琴就是块废铁,还占地方,算算咱SAN DIEGO的房价
KEYWORDS 下贱,脑残,寒碜,恶毒 |
p**********u 发帖数: 7 | 30 刚才考古,看见我问到的价格有点高。刚跟dealer谈,她说多几个人团购价格会低一些.
YAMAHA gb1k baby grand $7900 including tax, delivery to the 1st floor, 2
tuning, bench
YAMAHA U1,$5900 including tax, delivery to the 1st floor,1 tuning,bench
别的还没具体问,等着更多人加入,大概等两星期左右,请站内联系或给我留email. |
B****a 发帖数: 16 | 31 有没有感兴趣Yamaha钢琴团购的?洛杉矶, 橙县(Greater Los Angeles Area),San
Diego也可以。 已经和Dealer接触过了, 有合作意愿。人越多价钱越好。现在Yamaha
果想买其他型号的,大家统计一下,咱们可以协调一下统一讲价。 |
L******d 发帖数: 2461 | 32 最近参加了Yamaha U1钢琴团购的同学, 需要你的帮助提供一份收据的复印件(fax或扫
描后给我). 你可以用软件涂抹掉你的个人信息.
我和LD昨天在Music Exchange被sales灌了迷魂汤, 下了一单Yamaha U1, 出门价竟然高
达$6500. 得知SF版团购的价格后, 我刚才去找了那个sales, 他说我提供的团购价格是
不可能的, 因为比他们进价还低了. 他说如果我们能给他提供一张incoice的copy, 他
Thanks in advance! |
u**m 发帖数: 372 | 33 型号:仅限 YAMAHA U1
价格:依据去年底团购的价格(Music Exchange $5350 including Yamaha十年warranty,free
delivery,两(一)次调琴,matching bench, and Tax)
地区:仅限湾区 |
u**m 发帖数: 372 | 34 We should form a single group, and immediately we have 9 buyers already.
Let's try to shoot for 5350. A agent told me that it is still possible
if we get 20 people on last Sunday. We may need to try different sales
guys if they are reluctant. Yamaha plans to raise the price around the
end of Jan based on what the dealer told us. On the other hand, the
group buy is a deal with Yamaha directly, but through the dealer as they
need to distribute. With all the material pricing going up, it is not
sur... 阅读全帖 |
s**********n 发帖数: 2343 | 35 43000块,买个TOYOTA顶级配置的hybrid highlander呢?
还是46000块买个BMW基本配置的X5呢?基本上就是yamaha grand 和 Steinway grand
要是只有15000的预算,当然就corolla就好了,= Yamaha U1
a |
S*******a 发帖数: 33 | 36 我们已经有十个人左右,准备团购yamaha钢琴。如果有意,请速联系lwpiano2011@
多数人准备买yamaha u1, 价钱将参考最近湾区团购得成交价。
仅限北加地区,因为dealer只做local。 |
e******a 发帖数: 176 | 37 我给yamaha peninsula打过电话。他们7/16(下周五)有一拨人要买yamaha. 还有人
愿意参加吗? |
C*****n 发帖数: 98 | 38 BTW, Yamaha has a rule, doesn't negotiate price over the phone, they will
prefer you to go and meet them.
For Piano Plus in Fremont, Hope one of you close to Fremont can take the
Also for Yamaha Peninsula Music center in San jose, I didn't make the trip
there yet. |
I*********m 发帖数: 18 | 39 Is anyone interested in 团购 YAMAHA U1 or U3 piano around the San Francisco
Bay Area?
I have seen a couple of posts on this before. Could anyone who have done
this let me know how it works? Who I should talk to?
And if you are interested to join our group purchase, please send me an
email at y***************[email protected].
Thank you so very much ! |
t******s 发帖数: 39 | 40 所以才团购Yamaha。
U1的价钱大约$5300。如果能低于这个价钱就是不错的deal了。 |
x*****a 发帖数: 31 | 41 I'm interested in Yamaha U1, and just emailed you at
y***************[email protected]
Could you kindly include me in the group? Thanks a lot for your help!
Francisco |
I*********m 发帖数: 18 | 42 Sure, welcome to our group, I added u in our mailing list. Thanks.
We have 12 people in our group now, but we stil welcome more people to join
in so that we may have better bargaining power. Our target size is 15
people. If you are interested in buying Yamaha piano, please join us by
sending me an email at Y***************[email protected]
Thanks !
Isabella's Mom
★ Sent from iPhone App: iReader Mitbbs Lite 7.39 |
I*********m 发帖数: 18 | 43 Is anyone interested in 团购 YAMAHA U1 or U3 piano around the San Francisco
Bay Area?
I have seen a couple of posts on this before. Could anyone who have done
this let me know how it works? Who I should talk to?
And if you are interested to join our group purchase, please send me an
email at y***************[email protected].
Thank you so very much ! |
t******s 发帖数: 39 | 44 所以才团购Yamaha。
U1的价钱大约$5300。如果能低于这个价钱就是不错的deal了。 |
x*****a 发帖数: 31 | 45 I'm interested in Yamaha U1, and just emailed you at
y***************[email protected]
Could you kindly include me in the group? Thanks a lot for your help!
Francisco |
I*********m 发帖数: 18 | 46 Sure, welcome to our group, I added u in our mailing list. Thanks.
We have 12 people in our group now, but we stil welcome more people to join
in so that we may have better bargaining power. Our target size is 15
people. If you are interested in buying Yamaha piano, please join us by
sending me an email at Y***************[email protected]
Thanks !
Isabella's Mom
★ Sent from iPhone App: iReader Mitbbs Lite 7.39 |
b*******r 发帖数: 14 | 47 OK. I will start taking down contact info for those who are interested in
getting a Yamaha U1 piano. Please email B**************[email protected]
The goal is to have at least ~15 people. I will contact the dealers around
to see if we can get the same deal as those just ahead of us (U1 with bench
for $5300, tax, delivery, and tuning included).
Please help to spread the words. |
j*******1 发帖数: 352 | 48 I saw so many people who also bought Yamaha U1 group buy. Could any one
please share your experience on your U1?
normal in Yamaha U1? Why I didn't hear that in store or other pianos like
teacher's piano? |
m**********n 发帖数: 1271 | 49 Yamaha 比较popular,认识老中都是买yamaha, 还都是5300 u1 |
c*****v 发帖数: 1440 | 50 I also should add one more comment:
Old U1 made in japan are very good quality. Recently Yamaha try to reduce
cost and offset the rising price of wood, it uses more and more engineering
wood and plastics. More pianos were made in chinese assembly lines.
Therefore, yamaha can produce enouogh new U1 at even lower price. I bought a
U1 at similar price as today 10 year ago. It will affect the used piano
market. |