

全部话题 - 话题: zistel
发帖数: 38600
来自主题: Military版 - Trooper's dashcam captures dramatic moment
Trooper's dashcam captures dramatic moment father taking his kids on a road
trip shoots officer who returns fire and kills him
John Van Allen, 34, was pulled over by trooper Matt Zistel for speeding in
Oregon in August; he had three of his children in the car
But instead of staying in his car, Van Allen pulled out a gun on the officer
and shot at him several times, hitting him in the side
Zistel returned fire, shooting Van Allen onc... 阅读全帖
发帖数: 13312
这家伙跑回车的时候, 身上看起来没啥伤啊....shooting Van Allen once in the
John Van Allen, 34, was pulled over by trooper Matt Zistel for speeding in
Oregon in August; he had three of his children in the car
But instead of staying in his car, Van Allen pulled out a gun on the officer
and shot at him several times, hitting him in the side
Zistel returned fire, shooting Van Allen once in the chest
His car was found half-a-mile away with his body inside
发帖数: 13312
【 以下文字转载自 Automobile 讨论区 】
发信人: njsummer (查有此牛, 嗯。。就这样吧), 信区: Automobile
标 题: 这个警察打中对方胸口,为毛不当场喷血?这不科学
发信站: BBS 未名空间站 (Wed Feb 19 09:11:48 2014, 美东)
这家伙跑回车的时候, 身上看起来没啥伤啊....shooting Van Allen once in the
John Van Allen, 34, was pulled over by trooper Matt Zistel for speeding in
Oregon in August; he had three of his children in the car
But instead of staying in his car, Van Allen pulled out a gun on the officer
and shot at him several times, hitting him in the side
Zistel returned fire, sho... 阅读全帖