o****y 发帖数: 26355 | 1 China had been a communist country once. The poor have the tradition to
rebel against the rich. American capitalists are afraid of Chinese poor. |
w*********g 发帖数: 30882 | 2
The 'Right' you are talking about is to be servants to U.S. forever.
The 'Wrong' you are talking about is to rise and replace U.S once get a
Are you a Chinese? If not, why do you come to Chinese BBS? |
w*********g 发帖数: 30882 | 3
They are afraid of something that certainly happens every 3 or 4 hundred
years. |
w*********r 发帖数: 42116 | 4 穷人反抗富人是在TG当权之前,就算有穷人反抗富人的传统,也和TG没关系。 |
o****y 发帖数: 26355 | 6 But American are controlled by the capitalists ah.
They need to think what if China poor regain the power. |
s*****e 发帖数: 16824 | 9 所以估计将来抽美国最狠的就是啊三,三哥这种得志就猖狂的脾气,将来只要国力一起
turn |
w*********r 发帖数: 42116 | 10 不管是意识形态,地缘政治还是经济利益,TG和美国有矛盾,有对抗,所以美国防备中
国。至于老美防中国人那就是另外一件事情了。大多数中国人是不支持TG的。 |
r*******4 发帖数: 69 | 11 老美担心的是什么,不是经济强大,不是武力凶猛,也不是人口众多。
turn |
e**o 发帖数: 6038 | 12 最后一句话又是yy的,恐怕也就是特指网上几个带路党了 |
o****y 发帖数: 26355 | 13 American need prepared that TG sudenly becomes a communist party again ah.
American have no such worries about India. |
o****y 发帖数: 26355 | 14 Unless TG becomes a communist party again. |
e**o 发帖数: 6038 | 15 现在要是突然间回到三十年前的风格,那美国是得更恐惧 |
o****y 发帖数: 26355 | 16 That is why America is not totally trust TG ah. |
e**o 发帖数: 6038 | 17 其实老百姓很简单
广大劳动人民都忙着赚钱去了 |
e**o 发帖数: 6038 | 18 那必然
也不是没有回去的可能 |
o****y 发帖数: 26355 | 19 If American think TG's control is so sure, they have no worries la. |
o****y 发帖数: 26355 | 20 That is why American is encouraging TG go capitalism, and at the same time,
be prepared, just in case, TG goes back to the communism road. |
e**o 发帖数: 6038 | 21 放心吧,大国之间,没有谁相互信任谁的事
国与国之间,根本没有信任,玩的都是利益 |
M*****8 发帖数: 17722 | 23
所以媒体族裔对米国人的洗脑效果超凡。 |
o****y 发帖数: 26355 | 24 But once they are all capitalists countries. The conflicts are much easier
to resolve. |
o****y 发帖数: 26355 | 25 Then you can ask Maoists on this board ah. |
e**o 发帖数: 6038 | 27 短期内还不至于
中国啊,走到现在的份上,回头也难了,根本不用多想 |
e**o 发帖数: 6038 | 28 实际上,还是那句话,老百姓不关心政治,关心的是生活质量 |
o****y 发帖数: 26355 | 29 The capitalists learned the lesson la.
They fight with each other, just let the poor reap the profits. |
o****y 发帖数: 26355 | 30 Many Maoists think their lives are worse recently years. |
e**o 发帖数: 6038 | 31 其实,哪个国家都是内部争得欢
扯淡的事太多 |
o****y 发帖数: 26355 | 32 But Chinese have no tradition to resolve the conflicts peacefully. |
e**o 发帖数: 6038 | 33 多数是yy的
何苦争论起来没完 |
o****y 发帖数: 26355 | 34 They are not talking about Mao's errors or achievements.
They are asking for their fair shares of the current economy boom. |
b*****k 发帖数: 483 | 35 你是此贴里第一个提到TG的。。。此地无银三百两LOL |
e**o 发帖数: 6038 | 36 这个其实是有的,真正王朝更替从民间起来的,都是底线太低了的时候
不过,也是早晚的事,盛极必衰 |
e**o 发帖数: 6038 | 37 哈哈,那也是没有任何意义的
现在贫富差距大的结果是,大家都比那个时候过得好 |
o****y 发帖数: 26355 | 38 But still there are ppl who are feeling they do not get the fair share.
Anyway, we have no different opinions here. |
a*****e 发帖数: 4577 | 39 其实对这个问题,我之前看到过一个很好的答案。
They don't know what chinese are thinking.
turn |
e**o 发帖数: 6038 | 40 呵呵,那显然
胡倒感觉一般,享受前人成果,还没控制住通货膨胀 |
w*********r 发帖数: 42116 | 42 我提TG就是要说明, 美国防TG和美国人防中国人是两件事情.
美国防备TG是因为TG有可能是美国的对手. 美国人防备中国人是因为中国人的价值观不
普世. |
h*******2 发帖数: 3118 | 43 看看阿三搞的坦克,原子弹和飞机,就知道了,根本没有个完整体系。美国人不用防,
手把手的交都不一定做的出来。 |
b****u 发帖数: 1710 | 44
What do you mean Chinese values are not universal?
This forum is so bizarre. I think you and Oldguy are the two that have
values not universally accepted. |
z*******3 发帖数: 13709 | 45 这就像皇帝对付手下一样
就像岳飞一样,弃小不就,必有图大之心 |
h*******2 发帖数: 3118 | 46
难道只是享受成果?通货膨胀不是成果的一部分吗?功劳都是前任的,责任都是现任的?真搞笑。 |
b****u 发帖数: 1710 | 47
Ordinary Americans don't think about those things. They still look down
upon China, but at the same time, they are afraid of China.
IMHO, mostly due to images about China both from history and from mass media
. Think about Dragon, yellow plague, etc. while India had been ruled by
Brits since 1700s. Drastically different images. |
h*******2 发帖数: 3118 | 48 普通美国人当然不会这么想,但是美国的精英是这么想的,他们只不过找了一个最容易
普通美国人怎么想往往和媒体的灌输很近,和事实很远。nobody should care too
media |