m********s 发帖数: 55301 | 2 jackson类似于奥尼尔,gson类似于科比。
比gson好在哪里?一直用gson,no complaints啊 |
z****e 发帖数: 54598 | 3 jdk 6的nio只针对网络
jdk 7的nio针对file system
不用白不用,hadoop之类的如果有ui比弄命令行或者脚本强太多了 |
A**********e 发帖数: 3102 | 4 搭车问 modeling/ODE/PDE 的 C++ 的库比较好的都有哪些?觉得很多概念上的东西,如
果从 OO 的角度设计 models,C++ 更容易定义。 |
g****y 发帖数: 436 | 6 想要一个能看时间序列的浏览器,就像股市行情图那种的。能够zoom in, zoom out。
能够handle多个数据。不知道OPENGL能不能做这种? |
r*********r 发帖数: 3195 | 8 java, c# 的 assault-rifle, machine-gun 在哪里?
如果是指可调用的库比较多的话,你应该看看 boost,c++ 的 de facto standard
library,免费,公开,高质量。java/c# 根本没法比。 |
n******t 发帖数: 4406 | 9 二维数组到底难在哪里我一直没搞明白。。。
而且C/C++缺损库比较少,但是serious的开发都会用自己或这工业级的库函数。 |
n*w 发帖数: 3393 | 10 悲愤?菌斑的常用词。
那个Java的async programming类库比较常用?google了一下还没有找到。 |
i*****o 发帖数: 1714 | 11 我来总结一下啊:
1。 C#作为一种programming languange比java更先进。(这一点连好虫好像都没有直
2。 Java的库比c#更多更稳定。
3。 Java的run time(jvm)比C#的performance更好。
至于java的run time比C#的performance好这点偶很不理解。十几年前偶们在linux和
windows NT之间做选择的时候window NT的network stack比linux快的很多啊。 |
N******K 发帖数: 10202 | 12 在图像法分析领域 涉及到大矩阵运算 Java本身语言不支持 连续存储的多维矩阵(数
所以Java要搞有效的线性代数运算 1. 从轮子开始造 2. JNI调用 eigen/Lapack等c++/
就算用2, 大矩阵运算JNI本身的时间消费可以忽略,但是小矩阵用JNI还不如Java写
如果就搞搞小图片,你用纯Java的倒也无所谓。 搞大图像的复杂分析,比如配准、分
libsvm就是c++的 现在最火的spase coding得靠C++, deep neural network
learning 得靠C++和GPU
Java搞网站系统应用很好,但是到了算法这个层面,就是不如C++ |
n******t 发帖数: 4406 | 13 python 主要是库比较全。当然现在别的也都不差了,所以优势变小了。
不过大部分事情都不需要多线程,所以,无所谓啊。 |
p**o 发帖数: 3409 | 14 python 标准库比较老旧,早年很多 API 设计很烂,但为了兼容性又不能随便改。这其
实是 battery included 的一大弊病。除了几个铁打的标准库,我基本都用第三方库替
代了。 |
l*******s 发帖数: 1258 | 15 如果搞的东西要上production 建议还得用java之类的语言
perl、python是比较方便 但是速度啊 稳定性啊 兼容性之类的 恐怕离production的要
比如我们组的一些老project用的perl 现在全部在换成java或者c#
还有个重要原因就是,NLP现在越来越多用到machine learning,这玩意还是java c++
当然了,回到lz的问题,简单的text数据处理任务,python和perl挺好的。 |
d****i 发帖数: 4809 | 16 有谁正经搞过Borland C++下的Windows程序,我BC只用过一点,听Borland C++和VC++
两个都用过的人说,Borland C++的OWL库比MFC库强不少,是这样吗? |
c****e 发帖数: 1453 | 19 Depends your application. It generally holds more data, because it's simpler
. On the
other side, it has many limitations: the stupid db level lock blocks
reading while writing, no row larger than 64M, too many processes to config
Do you know the joke "MongoDB is web scale"? Enjoy
http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=b2F-DItXtZs |
t********e 发帖数: 880 | 21 mongodb就一坨屎,性能一塌糊涂,查询能力极弱 |
r*******n 发帖数: 3020 | 23 现在我们用SQL server;看到mongoDB,就像了解下,
我们数据库存了大量的从设备采集来的数据, 数据结构类似:
{timestamp, value, name} |
w**z 发帖数: 8232 | 24 Mongo stores Bson , requires whole dataset in memory in order to perform.
建议你看看nosql in general. two good paper to read, Amazon dynamo and
Google big table. |
w**z 发帖数: 8232 | 25 take a look at Cassandra and hbase also . is your app read or write heavy
? data size? work load? consistency requirement ? HA requirement? nosql
doesn't fit all the use cases , rdbms serves majority of the use cases just
fine |
N*****m 发帖数: 42603 | 26 如果是write once, read many times,用mongodb不错 |
r*******n 发帖数: 3020 | 27 The data comes in the warehouse every a minute 24/7 and will be used for
data analysis.
it's kind of fit "write once, read many"
just |
w**z 发帖数: 8232 | 28 what kind of Query are you going to use? What's wrong with the mysql? nosql
is not good for analytics in general. |
g*****g 发帖数: 34805 | 29 If you don't have much relational data, you may consider Cassandra instead.
NoSQL is harder than SQL DB. You only need NoSQL when you are trying to
achieve high availability or reduce licensing cost. |
r*******n 发帖数: 3020 | 30 设备会很多,多数是sensor,数据量会比较大并且同时进来。
放到SQL server里供分析用,
MySql肯定能做, 想看看mongoDB是不是更合适。
nosql |
w**z 发帖数: 8232 | 31 if it has concurrent writes with high volume, Cassandra is better, the write
is sequential disk write, extremely fast (<1ms). For Mongo, need to read
before write since it's a Bson on disk.
You can use Hadoop integration with Cassandra to read data out. But don't
expect much for relational flavor of sql from Cassandra. Think of it as a
big Hashtable, no join, very poor index support. It's good at HA and large
volume writes. |
g*****g 发帖数: 34805 | 32 Cassandra read is also fast and tunable. The key is the data relation.
It's a hashtable of hashtable and it's best used as a hash table though
relation can be achieved, with labor.
write |
w**z 发帖数: 8232 | 33 Sure, Cassandra's read is fast also, but it might involve multiple disk
accesses based on the number of SSTables it needs to read from. So for us it
's the average is 10ms vs 1ms :)
Do you have any experience with HBase? From the benchmark, it's even better
than Cassandra, but it's a lot more complicated to manage.
By the way, there is Cassandra Summit next week in SF and Hbase conference
the day after. I am going to both of them. Are you going by any chance? |