d******g 发帖数: 1728 | 1 网页Google输入公司名字可以搜到 但是地图Google搜不到 公司网站上也只用P.O.
BOX邮政地址 疑惑中。。。。 |
d******g 发帖数: 1728 | 3 公司网站看上去好满正规 只是干吗要用P.O. BOX作为地址呢 还有这个nonpaid的
internship需要寄发intern 的offer吗?是否每个intern都应该有一个正规的书面
offer? |
S*********N 发帖数: 6151 | 4
Call and ask them.
why would you bother for a non-paid internship?
give yourself some respect. |
a********m 发帖数: 15480 | 5 刚毕业的cs蔡鸟在算法上比有经验的人占了很多便宜了。。。。你有20年经验的时候会
发现考的还是学校里面学的那些算法,那时候你记得绝对比刚毕业的时候差得多。 |
s******w 发帖数: 197 | 7 买房的时候和首付一起付的?还是指买到房子直到付完利息后的利息?
Closing Costs是付给银行的么?
谢谢! |
G****1 发帖数: 825 | 8 你这个房子的买卖历史表格是从哪个网站查出来的?能否告知。
我是蔡鸟。。。啥都不知道,谢谢! |
k****u 发帖数: 1485 | 9 是滴,俺也从上次尿布deal开始学习的CVS:) |
j****y 发帖数: 1329 | 11 有的写的限购2个的那种,是两个都会给ebr么? 新手一点都不知道,请各位不吝赐
教。 谢谢 |
J*****t 发帖数: 86 | 14 要不俺叫蔡鸟内,gejkl兄,能等到11000马??? |
h*****7 发帖数: 6781 | 15 新id们早就空仓等着摆地铺了
这叫蔡鸟所见略同 |
d******g 发帖数: 1728 | 17 是外洲一家公司 发来的邮件上面没看到实际地址,只有P.O BOX num.
好端端一个公司不署名实际的地址 用了一个邮政邮箱的地址,让去intern,这类公司能
希望听听大家的经验!谢谢! |
o*****e 发帖数: 871 | 18 Do they pay you? Do they ask you to pay a "deposit" money or the likes? Do
they cover your travel and lodging?
Is there an offer letter that explains the salary and benefits (if any)? Did
you have an interview with the company before they extended you the offer?
If most answers are not in your favor, you probably should think twice
before making a decision. |
d******g 发帖数: 1728 | 19 Thanks!只有觉得奇怪 是否一些公司都喜欢用邮政局的地址做为自己公司地址吗?什
这个是nonpaid internship说是intern绝对可以转成pay的工作。
Did |
g*****g 发帖数: 34805 | 20 Make sure you don't have to pay any deposit. Otherwise it doesn't
hurt to try if you don't have better alternatives. |
d******g 发帖数: 1728 | 21 Thanks!I'll try.公司在让去intern过去合作几个project,邮件过来让签一个project
书,上面大至说和合做的project的信息等内容需要保密 貌似商业机密 搞得像。。。
。汗 |
g*****g 发帖数: 34805 | 22 That kind of confidential agreement is common.
project |
t***y 发帖数: 741 | 23 So you did not have an interview? A little bit strange, however might be OK
for a non-paid intern. We hire paid interns without on-site, however that
was strictly due to connections
Tell them you need the physical street address to FedEX overnight the signed
agreement. That way you can get the street address, and see if you can get
additional information before you send out anything to them. Of course, you
do not have to actually FedEX the signed paperwork. :)
project |
d******g 发帖数: 1728 | 24 Thanks!不好意思,初次找工作,一点经验也没有。这个是nonpaid的intern,那个公司
you |
t***y 发帖数: 741 | 25 I am not sure your area or the company you are dealing with, however we DO
send offers for intern positions.
?等 |
d******g 发帖数: 1728 | 26 nonpaid或者paid的internship都会寄过来offer需要本人sign,可以这样理解吗?看来
再写封信去问问,thanks! |
t***y 发帖数: 741 | 27 do you rely on spoon feeding, use common sense.
If they want you to sign the NDA, and email back, then I assume they expect
you to sign and scan, then email back. Just tell them you do not have a
scanner, and will have to print out, sign and FedEX back, and need the
street address (since FedEX will not deliver to PO Box).
Each industry has different practice, however I would be very cautious of
your situation. Even if you have not fronted financially, you might not want
to go there to waste time |
d******g 发帖数: 1728 | 28 前辈,在看到你信息之前 偶已经sign了那个文件 email back了
现在公司已经把要做的projects发来了 不需要人搬过去 只要做完了这些projects发过
去 这
些project就是这个nonpaid的intern所要做的全部事情 公司说intern之后就pay
现在纠结的就是要不要问公司发个正式的intern offer过来?然后再正式的work
want |
d******g 发帖数: 1728 | 29 还有公司说是他们开在学校里面的 所以偶想他们就用P.O.BOX作为地址了 |
t***y 发帖数: 741 | 30 "公司说intern之后就pay" - 这种话不能当真,尤其你没有任何书面东西,连个intern的offer letter都没有。
我觉他们有可能把你当免费劳动力了。你要是有心理准备呢,挣个经验,也无所谓。不过,要有到时候失望的心理准备。 |
d******g 发帖数: 1728 | 31 恩 前辈的话有道理!本来以为公司在邮件里跟我intern之后就pay,这个就可以当书面
intern的offer letter都没有。
不过,要有到时候失望的心理准备。 |
d******g 发帖数: 1728 | 32 另外,一朋友说就算这个公司给发了intern offer,上面注明3个月intern之后就pay,到
时候还是可以不要人的,迷茫中。。。。 |
t***y 发帖数: 741 | 33 your friend is correct. such statement is not binding. just like even if
you get an offer for a full time job, they still can turn you away the day
you report to work. it is not very nice though and does not happen very often. an offer is not a binding contract. |
m*********g 发帖数: 11102 | 35 马英九实在犯不秀自己的英文。又不是当美国或联合国的头,谁鸟你英文好不好。
20 |
a***a 发帖数: 4195 | 36 没关系,版斧曾经也是蔡鸟,人见人欺。
后来牛了,拳打墨西哥球霸,脚踢韩国球棒。 |
k*****o 发帖数: 1185 | 37 前面1,2,3讲的相当好,但蔡鸟球迷我觉得你最后说的“我驴纪律性、特勤组大问题
”难道不就是为1,2,3服务的么?教练组会表扬他们的。 |
ET 发帖数: 10701 | 40 2, if theb ball can't be found.
lost ball 1, move ball 1 |
J*****n 发帖数: 1051 | 41 找不到也是罚一杆,
象Tiger那年British Open一样,
实际效果是亏了两杆。 |
ET 发帖数: 10701 | 42 I think u're right, after having checked the rules.
Faint, I alway took 2-stroke penalty when I couldn't find my ball. My friend
told me I should take 2.
and all guys were affected by him. |
J*****n 发帖数: 1051 | 43 哈哈, 被人骗的好惨呀。
看看 TPC @ Sawgrass 的 17 洞就知道怎么罚杆了。
Bob Tway 进水4次, 打了 9-over 12杆。 |
d******g 发帖数: 550 | 44 菜鸟平时就练过几次driving和一次putting。
昨天被人拖上golf court.刚开始driving 就没打倒球。回头看看等候的别人,好像是消
河边,可是接下来用9 iron,打出一个完美高吊球,下落时达到树桩扑通调到河里。旁边
看到后边的人等着不耐烦,就拿着东西,到河对面开始。然后的driving and putting都
开始下滑。吸取的教训就是,需要focus 和均匀分配体力,特别是最后几个holes. |
发帖数: 1 | 45 蔡鸟一枚,最近拿到了持枪证。
谢谢! |
b****r 发帖数: 1395 | 46 所有的冰场里都有卖tape的自动售货机,看买的人都是打冰球的,
这种tape用在什么地方? |
b****g 发帖数: 7311 | 48 女的球打得好的很多。赢录像里的两个蔡鸟一定要有正式积分嘛?
去了。 btw, 我们公司前几名女士每天中午打,还都有专业教练教。7月底,公司比赛
就开始了。 |
Q**J 发帖数: 23283 | 49 小帅们指导过怎么接这个球,偶有MJ的。因为当时看我吃了大木体n个发球。。
现在真的不怎么吃了, 不过得是蔡鸟发出来的, 高手发的还是接不好。。。
有人给我包子吗? |
r********e 发帖数: 1686 | 50 波士顿那个对我这种蔡鸟,要求好高。。。。
便宜也去不了~ 要努力才行 |