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AC版 - plase help this innocent student!!
[转载] Please help our innocent students!!绿了
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话题: student话题: plase话题: chinese话题: innocent话题: security
1 (共1页)
发帖数: 7
Hi, friend. I am one of a Chinese student at Upenn. I sent this message to ask
for your help, as well as to start up a voice towards the worse and worse
situation toward our Chinese students in USA.
A student here was stuck in China for more than four month, because of her
visa security check process.
Her major is physical chemistry, which, actually, has no security risk, and
this interruption has made too much inconvenience to this honest Chinese
student. We agree a security is nessesary for US
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[转载] Please help our innocent students!!绿了
下月上庭,准备这么dispute,大家看看可以吗杀杀杀杀杀杀杀_Nov_6_(周六)晚上_Mafia_杀人游戏 (筹备)
[label ready求购] 1x HP G7-2017cl refurbished @400JP立即下台是必然的
[出售] 15个nook glowlight + 1个nook simple touchstep 2 CK SP
话题: student话题: plase话题: chinese话题: innocent话题: security