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Actuary版 - Sending Email for Job Hunting
About Cold EmailingAbout Cold Emailing
Job hunting Ebook下载 (保留三天) (转载)很郁闷,很迷茫。。。大家帮忙看看
想问问on-site interview脸书
Share some job hunting experience - a green hand投了简历还能再cold emailing吗?
A reminder for those sending out resumes求FM的MANUAL
Actuarial student是什么职位?P and mlc manual轉讓
University of Waterloo, coop?关于找精算工作的资源
What's wrong with me? :(求MFE 8或9 版?
话题: email话题: hunting话题: sending话题: job话题: company
1 (共1页)
发帖数: 629
Most company emails are not confidential, meaning that even if you are
emailing to a specific person at a company, that email can very well become
public information later on. So, please be very careful about how you write
and pharse.
I receive personal emails via my work email address, and I write back
casusually as well. This is usually not a problem. But when I receive email
with attached resume asking for interview, I often very well need to share
this email with other people at the company,
1 (共1页)
求MFE 8或9 版?A reminder for those sending out resumes
job networking on LinkedIn vs cold emailing from SOAActuarial student是什么职位?
求职建议University of Waterloo, coop?
想问一下,Entry-level的精算工作在网上投Resume后,What's wrong with me? :(
About Cold EmailingAbout Cold Emailing
Job hunting Ebook下载 (保留三天) (转载)很郁闷,很迷茫。。。大家帮忙看看
想问问on-site interview脸书
Share some job hunting experience - a green hand投了简历还能再cold emailing吗?
话题: email话题: hunting话题: sending话题: job话题: company