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Animals版 - World beneath the ocean's surface remains largely unknown
6000 Insect Species in One Acre of Rainforest熊在捕鱼
Lobster Age Shown On Its Rings Like A Tree亚马孙雨林发现的新物种
世界最小猎狗体型与可乐罐相同大家看到了这个破Big Year纪录的哥们了吗?
African lion population shrinks to 32,000濒危鸟种孵蛋期,拍照离巢至少 500 feet
科学家拍摄海鳝将自己身体打结:或为捕食手段(图) zz无私的海蜗牛
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And lizard again (转载)Jellyfish on boom-bust cycle worldwide
话题: species话题: marine话题: world话题: ocean话题: pohle
1 (共1页)
发帖数: 14557
World beneath the ocean's surface remains largely unknown: scientists
Read more: http://www.vancouversun.com/technology/science/Marine+world+remains+largely+unknown+scientists/7559105/story.html
VANCOUVER - The vast world that exists beneath the surface of the ocean
remains largely unknown to humankind, say experts working on an
international database of marine species.
Of an estimated one million species that make their home in the depths of
the sea, as many as two-thirds of them are still a mystery, says a study
published this week.
Canada has more coastline than any other nation on Earth — a staggering 200
,000 kilometres plus — and the nation's territorial waters cover more than
seven million square kilometres over three different oceans.
The country is a world leader in marine research but even here, the sea
still holds many surprises, says Gerhard Pohle, acting executive director of
the Huntsman Marine Science Centre in St. Andrews, N.B.
"There are an amazing amount of things, especially in the ocean, that we don
't know in terms of biodiversity," says Pohle, who spent a decade taking
part in an international Census of Marine Life, a decade-long project than
concluded in 2010.
It was only last year that scientists published research that estimated
there are approximately 10 million distinct species on Earth, Pohle said.
"It's staggering to think that as recently as 2011, we did not know how many
species there are in the world by order of magnitude. The estimates were
anywhere from three to 100 million species globally. That was it," Pohle
"I'm somebody who works on this and when I saw it, I couldn't believe it."
The article published in the academic journal Current Biology this week
estimates there are one million marine species.
A World Register of Marine Species has catalogued 226,000 of them so far. As
many as 72,000 more specimens have been collected and are waiting to be
"Knowing what lives in the ocean is fundamental to appreciate, care and
protect it," said Ward Appeltans, one of the authors and the project manager
of the Ocean Biogeographic Information System of UNESCO's Intergovernmental
Oceanographic Commission.
"Having a single catalogue of all known marine species is like an index in a
library. We can all start using the same species names, avoid confusion
over names and make less mistakes."
The register will provide an invaluable base line for ocean life.
"It is good though that there is increased interest in biodiversity," he
said. "We are now not only looking at the stars, but also what lives on our
planet. We can no longer neglect how much we depend on the ecosystem
services and how each species contributes to the functioning of our
In Canada, the world registry spurred the creation of the Canadian Registry
of Marine Species.
The online, open-access databases allows scientists to focus on collecting
and analyzing information, rather than cataloguing and maintaining disparate
databases, said Claude Nozeres, a Quebec biologist who has worked for
Fisheries and Oceans and contributed to both the Canadian and world
Canada is a major contributor to the international database, he said.
One example is a large sea pen that lives in the Gulf of St. Lawrence that
Nozeres said was forgotten for decades, until it was "rediscovered" in a
federal Department of Fisheries and Oceans museum collection. The species
has now been added to both databases.
发帖数: 13923
懒人不喜欢读长篇-尤其“英国女婿,给个简要汉字的如何? :-)
发帖数: 351

【在 l*******l 的大作中提到】
: 懒人不喜欢读长篇-尤其“英国女婿,给个简要汉字的如何? :-)
发帖数: 351
发帖数: 345
发帖数: 14557

【在 l*******l 的大作中提到】
: 懒人不喜欢读长篇-尤其“英国女婿,给个简要汉字的如何? :-)
1 (共1页)
Jellyfish on boom-bust cycle worldwide科学家拍摄海鳝将自己身体打结:或为捕食手段(图) zz
[130410]不清晰新鸟种Red-Whiskered Bulbul有人打到真的Chupacabra了!
昨天的Scoter大全World's Leggiest Animal Found(慎入,视频)
一不留神把车开到墨西哥了And lizard again (转载)
6000 Insect Species in One Acre of Rainforest熊在捕鱼
Lobster Age Shown On Its Rings Like A Tree亚马孙雨林发现的新物种
世界最小猎狗体型与可乐罐相同大家看到了这个破Big Year纪录的哥们了吗?
African lion population shrinks to 32,000濒危鸟种孵蛋期,拍照离巢至少 500 feet
话题: species话题: marine话题: world话题: ocean话题: pohle