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Anniversary版 - About Chinese Input for Mac
一些问题how to get Chinese input in Win 8?
我的logo设计(修改)。。how to enable Simplified Chinese input in ubuntu 9.04?
偶也来一个logochinese input app for win 8 phone
How to install Chinese input system on Company's computer?how to input Chinese on Mac???
Please recommend a free Chinese input softwareChinese Input in Mac
How to use Chinese input on iPhone?1+1 没有中文输入
How can I input Chinese in English system?Amy chua是菲律宾华人ABC好不好?
Any Chinese Input I-pad Application?得,故宫建筑总设计师是越南人
话题: mac话题: input话题: chinese话题: about话题: would
1 (共1页)
发帖数: 7
I've been using Mac for work for many years...love it except the trouble for C
hinese Input. Is there anyone here that use Mac as well.. would love to talk t
o you about this. Thanks!
发帖数: 237

I've been using Mac for work for many years...love it except the trouble for C
hinese Input. Is there anyone here that use Mac as well.. would love to talk t
o you about this. Thanks!

【在 l*****5 的大作中提到】
: I've been using Mac for work for many years...love it except the trouble for C
: hinese Input. Is there anyone here that use Mac as well.. would love to talk t
: o you about this. Thanks!

发帖数: 7

Yes, input method is one thing. For example, I can only use PinYin for Traditi
onal Chinese, it's not availabel for Simplified Chinese. And if the Pinyin is
longer than 4 letters, for example, ming, I'll have to type in min and then cl
ick through until the one I need appear. If I type "ming", the character panel
would dissaper. Very weird. Does this happen to PC at all?
And also, many characters are missing, even the very common ones.
Would you be able to type Chinese with your email account?

【在 d*******x 的大作中提到】
: I've been using Mac for work for many years...love it except the trouble for C
: hinese Input. Is there anyone here that use Mac as well.. would love to talk t
: o you about this. Thanks!
: Mac有输入障碍吗?你是指输入法不够多吗?那倒是事实,毕竟为中国人开发的输入法大多
: 集中在pc平台。不过用
: safari看网页要漂亮好多,对中文的支持也很好,而且速度快过火龙,ie就更不说了。

发帖数: 237


【在 l*****5 的大作中提到】
: Yes, input method is one thing. For example, I can only use PinYin for Traditi
: onal Chinese, it's not availabel for Simplified Chinese. And if the Pinyin is
: longer than 4 letters, for example, ming, I'll have to type in min and then cl
: ick through until the one I need appear. If I type "ming", the character panel
: would dissaper. Very weird. Does this happen to PC at all?
: And also, many characters are missing, even the very common ones.
: Would you be able to type Chinese with your email account?

发帖数: 7
English environment. Also thanks for the 2 Mac Forum sites you recommend, very
useful. Thanks again.


【在 d*******x 的大作中提到】
: 我就在我的powerbook上写,一点问题没有。从9到X,都没有中文输入的毛病。而且作为整
: 合的多语言系统,你可
: 以直接在international里面改掉整个系统的语言。越南语都没问题啊。
: 你是用tiger吗?好像在那里看到这个tiger的中文输入问题贴。是macfans.com,cn还是el
: esson.com.cn忘了。听
: 说tiger还支持傣语,藏语等少数民族语言的输入,拼音又怎在话下??

1 (共1页)
得,故宫建筑总设计师是越南人Please recommend a free Chinese input software
愤怒How to use Chinese input on iPhone?
i got a macbook pro but i can't type chinese!!How can I input Chinese in English system?
Where can I find Chinese input system in iphone4Any Chinese Input I-pad Application?
一些问题how to get Chinese input in Win 8?
我的logo设计(修改)。。how to enable Simplified Chinese input in ubuntu 9.04?
偶也来一个logochinese input app for win 8 phone
How to install Chinese input system on Company's computer?how to input Chinese on Mac???
话题: mac话题: input话题: chinese话题: about话题: would