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Apple版 - Re: how to connect to NFS
ipad itune照片和视频通过iTune传到iPad里的过程中iTune是否重新编码?
iPod nano和shuffle音质印象iPhone解ALAC如何?
不喜欢ipod不是其他原因就是太贵!!苹果是打算彻底放弃ipod classic了么
sony walkman x到手了,失望。用苹果的同修们有福了
问一个foobar2000转换APE的问题 (转载)投票:iphone上最最好的游戏是?
Cannot clean install Mac OS X说说我ipad上买的游戏
我这个“下等ID”来发表一下自己对苹果和JOBS的感想做个统计,用JailBreakMe 2.0越狱的请回帖
话题: md话题: cd话题: nfs话题: sound话题: connect
1 (共1页)
发帖数: 355
wait, on second thought, i would rather google than write one myself, hehe
here's the link:
Also, setting up an NFS server is tricky for first time. Make sure
all the setting like export, userid/groudid... are right.
发帖数: 48
Since nobody replies, I'd like to say something not so encouraging. :)

iPOD is really beautiful and attractive. But there are 2 reasons
stopping me buying it.
1. Not a cheap beauty at all;
2. MP3 is not as good as CD.
I would rather to buy a MD first(I have a DiscMan already) because
MD has CD quality and you can orgnize your music into different
discs instead of piling them into different directories, which is
important for me---I'd like to 'see' my music also. ;)
Of course, if I were a rich g
发帖数: 1700
I've a MD for almost 5 years already. I liked it pretty much
but then I only used it occasionally after I sold my CD-MD HiFi
4 years ago. MD discs are cheap, and much durable than a mini-HD,
I believe. Besides, all the new MD player models have extremely
long playing hour which puts MP3 players to shame considering
the latter got no mechanical parts.
The above being said, the real concern is that I don't really
find a portable music device THAT useful except on a long
flight. When I am sitting w

【在 s**a 的大作中提到】
: Since nobody replies, I'd like to say something not so encouraging. :)
: iPOD is really beautiful and attractive. But there are 2 reasons
: stopping me buying it.
: 1. Not a cheap beauty at all;
: 2. MP3 is not as good as CD.
: I would rather to buy a MD first(I have a DiscMan already) because
: MD has CD quality and you can orgnize your music into different
: discs instead of piling them into different directories, which is
: important for me---I'd like to 'see' my music also. ;)

发帖数: 48
Yeah, VBR mode is much better but I, even an amateur, can notice the
difference. Last time I encoded Faye Wang's Wings of Light using VBR
with lowest bit rate 256k, but it still sounds very glassy.
About MD, I don't have much experience(too poor, borrow from my friend
:(). But according to some reviews from web, there is no loss of
sound quality for MD---it gets rid of redundant information from CD and
applies lossless encoding tech. I don't know.
Could you explain details?

发帖数: 357

I have some different experiences.
1 I tired rip a song from a CD multiple times, using different cd drive and
different softwares including EAC, use WinDiff to compare bit by bit, there is
ZERO difference.
2 And for computer playback, sound card is the key. I've compared $150
stereo-link 1200 USB sound card (play ripped WAV file) to $200 and $300 entry
level HiFi sony cd player, the sound card is better than cd player.
3 sound quality of computer sound card play ripped WAV file is better than

【在 a*****e 的大作中提到】
: I've a MD for almost 5 years already. I liked it pretty much
: but then I only used it occasionally after I sold my CD-MD HiFi
: 4 years ago. MD discs are cheap, and much durable than a mini-HD,
: I believe. Besides, all the new MD player models have extremely
: long playing hour which puts MP3 players to shame considering
: the latter got no mechanical parts.
: The above being said, the real concern is that I don't really
: find a portable music device THAT useful except on a long
: flight. When I am sitting w

发帖数: 3
I think he was referring to the sound quality difference between the analog
sound circuitry on the CD-ROM drives vs those on high end CD players.
Anyway, I have an MD player, and I like the format because the discs are
small, rugged, recordable, skip-free, and looks cool. The MDLP players can
even store 4x the music on a disc, so that's really nice. But there definitely
is a difference in sound quality between MD and CD, due to the lossy ATRAC
compression MDs use. However it may not be so notice
发帖数: 2860
More general solution: in Finder, select a pdf file, press Cmd+I (or choose
"Get Info" from "File" menu, or right click and choose from context menu),
In "Open with" section, choose the program you want to use to open the file,
press "change all".

【在 f****n 的大作中提到】
: wait, on second thought, i would rather google than write one myself, hehe
: here's the link:
: http://www.atmos.washington.edu/~salathe/osx_unix/nfsmount.html
: Also, setting up an NFS server is tricky for first time. Make sure
: all the setting like export, userid/groudid... are right.

发帖数: 38
GAP的city traveller很好,
而且还能把夹层拿出来, 就是个sleeve,
harvard square 的 gap 就有,
发帖数: 217
we used Drive 10 before to do the defrag,but it didn't work that well. It took
forever and some other problems. I don't know if they upgrade the product or
not. If interested, you can go to:
to find more info.
Good luck!
1 (共1页)
做个统计,用JailBreakMe 2.0越狱的请回帖请教个电影播放的问题
大家的iphone里面都有些什么app?问一个foobar2000转换APE的问题 (转载)
iTunes 最大的问题Cannot clean install Mac OS X
ipad itune照片和视频通过iTune传到iPad里的过程中iTune是否重新编码?
iPod nano和shuffle音质印象iPhone解ALAC如何?
不喜欢ipod不是其他原因就是太贵!!苹果是打算彻底放弃ipod classic了么
sony walkman x到手了,失望。用苹果的同修们有福了
话题: md话题: cd话题: nfs话题: sound话题: connect