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Apple版 - Mac is good at Cross-platform compatibility
VirtualPC incompatible with Apple's G5snow leopard & matlab 2009a
Microsoft VirtualPC 7.0 (alpha version)apple.com的refurbished Macbook Pro和全新的有啥区别?
一個純果黑的轉變歷程docking/cradle compatibility
请教一下ipad mini apple store app download的问题Mplayer Extended rev12 64bit and SL compatible
jobs 不干了iphone/itouch接口一问
OpenCL: 很美而且垂手可得【15/23】Mac OS X 10.6.4 了
Re: MacLynx download problem请问哪里可以买不签合同的iphone 3G or iphone 4?
话题: mac话题: cross话题: nt话题: os
1 (共1页)
发帖数: 82482
A Mac OS computer can run NT. An NT computer cannot run the Mac OS. Tools
like VirtualPC, SoftWindows, and third-party cards allow a Mac to run nearly
any operating system, including Unix. From the Washington Post:
How can a piece of software pretend to be a Pentium MMX - and work? But it
does. Virtual PC emulates lots of goodies: the hard drive controller, the
network link, the sound card of an Intel system. In running Windows software,
it can use the CD-ROM drive, the floppy disk drive, the mo
1 (共1页)
请问哪里可以买不签合同的iphone 3G or iphone 4?facts
请教:哪位给科普一下iphone4的解锁jobs 不干了
jailbroken the iphone 4G 能在国内用吗OpenCL: 很美而且垂手可得【15/23】
Which IPAD is compatible for using in Europe?Re: MacLynx download problem
VirtualPC incompatible with Apple's G5snow leopard & matlab 2009a
Microsoft VirtualPC 7.0 (alpha version)apple.com的refurbished Macbook Pro和全新的有啥区别?
一個純果黑的轉變歷程docking/cradle compatibility
请教一下ipad mini apple store app download的问题Mplayer Extended rev12 64bit and SL compatible
话题: mac话题: cross话题: nt话题: os