

本页内容为未名空间相应帖子的节选和存档,一周内的贴子最多显示50字,超过一周显示500字 访问原贴
Apple版 - download Netscape Communicator 4.5 128-bit
新人报道HELP: installing g77 in PPC
Darwin Vegeta 6.0 Darwin Kernel Version 6.0: Wed来抱怨一下adc student membership
New PowerMac Motherboards To Use PPC 970holy smoke,卖了个二手笔记本还得管technical support了。。。
90nm 3GHz PPC 970FX by Summerwindows phone 7 出了, IPHONE安全啊
Fsuite CD for new MAC users.苹果 vs PC世界
PPC iphone SDK 3.0安装不爽啊HTC: innovator of the WinMo PPC 2002
终于在PPC机器上装上了iPhone SDK 2.2.1了苹果的老用户请回答一下(mac os 9/x)
Anyone wants to share an extra SL license?有人能给个mac os10.4/ tiger PPC 的下载地址么
话题: netscape话题: 128话题: download话题: bit
1 (共1页)
发帖数: 82482
Netscape Communicator 4.5 for PPC. About 15-20M.
Only three minutes! It is great to live on campus, the ethernet is really
But I lied to the Netscape: I am not a P.R. But who cares, I just can get
the 128-encryption. If I am a spy, I will sent it to Chinese military
authorities. Haha
1 (共1页)
有人能给个mac os10.4/ tiger PPC 的下载地址么Fsuite CD for new MAC users.
新手求问G5 dual processor和dual core的区别PPC iphone SDK 3.0安装不爽啊
Sandy Bridge delayed, so are MBP and iMacs...终于在PPC机器上装上了iPhone SDK 2.2.1了
国内又忽悠出了个叫"E人E本"的平板电脑Anyone wants to share an extra SL license?
新人报道HELP: installing g77 in PPC
Darwin Vegeta 6.0 Darwin Kernel Version 6.0: Wed来抱怨一下adc student membership
New PowerMac Motherboards To Use PPC 970holy smoke,卖了个二手笔记本还得管technical support了。。。
90nm 3GHz PPC 970FX by Summerwindows phone 7 出了, IPHONE安全啊
话题: netscape话题: 128话题: download话题: bit