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Apple版 - Re: 苹果机里有没有象Editplus或者notepad一样的软件?
请问MAC上哪个文本编辑器有notepad++的一个功能? (转载)MAC 下 命令行下,直接调用TEXTEDIT的命令是啥?或者有哪个自带的文本编辑器好用?多谢!
Re: apple常用软件几问有的网上下载的TXT中文文档用MAC打开是乱码.一般大家怎么转换.
请问哪个 html editor比较好用imac 里的 textedit 不见了 (OS X 10.5.8 )无缘无故的消失了
mac不爽的Inside Mac OS X 10.7 Lion: TextEdit adds vertical layout, graphical toolbar
Text editor for C++ in MAC?confused by some shell scripts run on mac
MBP review: every third-party app looks terrible zzretina text 发毛 见图
Snow Leopard鲜为人知的改进列表求教:OSX有一点用起来很不爽
用mac的同学请教一下 (转载)Setting up Mountain Lion: 12 geek setup tips
话题: textedit话题: editplus话题: save话题: 苹果机话题: notepad
1 (共1页)
发帖数: 55
Why not use project builder?
BBedit lite is free but I don't like it anyway.
I also used a free TextEdit from www.haxial.com. It is so ugly to be lovely
As to Apple's TextEdit, change the preference of new docuemnt to plain text,
use unicode as the default save encoding. It should be able to save
as any suffix you specified.
1 (共1页)
Setting up Mountain Lion: 12 geek setup tipsText editor for C++ in MAC?
OS X上有没有轻量级的TextEdit软件?能语法高亮MBP review: every third-party app looks terrible zz
Re: 苹果机可以用一般的pc显示器吗?急~~~Snow Leopard鲜为人知的改进列表
Tiger, 一场静悄悄的革命?用mac的同学请教一下 (转载)
请问MAC上哪个文本编辑器有notepad++的一个功能? (转载)MAC 下 命令行下,直接调用TEXTEDIT的命令是啥?或者有哪个自带的文本编辑器好用?多谢!
Re: apple常用软件几问有的网上下载的TXT中文文档用MAC打开是乱码.一般大家怎么转换.
请问哪个 html editor比较好用imac 里的 textedit 不见了 (OS X 10.5.8 )无缘无故的消失了
mac不爽的Inside Mac OS X 10.7 Lion: TextEdit adds vertical layout, graphical toolbar
话题: textedit话题: editplus话题: save话题: 苹果机话题: notepad