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Apple版 - Brooklyn果粉
VZW: Droid is the ultimate geek fugly phoneGarageBand for iPad太强了
不是很满意, 但是会立刻入一个果黑们悲愤 我也悲愤
Steve Jobs, 1996: "Good Artists Copy, Great Artists Steal"apple is changing
网上的一个照片, 不知道什么学校尼玛,苹果的伪四核被围攻了,看最后结局如何。
中国的成功和APPLE的成功BETA 6.0 out today.
Re: EVO比iphone强多了'Steve Jobs: The Lost Interview' Available to Rent in U.S. iTunes Store [Mac Blog]
An EVO 4G Salesman Confronts An iPhone 4 Shopper (转载)女人,gay和屌丝 (转载)
买Kindle的都挺残的。iQuit -- That's What's Next in the Line
话题: brooklyn话题: ipad话题: nerds话题: hours话题: jobs
1 (共1页)
发帖数: 19737
Nerds go nuts for the iPad in Brooklyn
Nerds wait hours to buy a device that they admit they don't need
People who didn’t need the iPad lined up for hours to get one last Saturday
, the first day that touch-screen media player went on sale nationwide.
Some waited on line for three hours at the Best Buy on Bay Parkway in
Bensonhurst — one of only two Brooklyn locations that was selling the cool,
but apparently not so vital, device.
“Basically, I’m buying it because Steve Jobs told
发帖数: 3236


【在 k**0 的大作中提到】
: 名人效应真大,jobs很成功
: Nerds go nuts for the iPad in Brooklyn
: Nerds wait hours to buy a device that they admit they don't need
: People who didn’t need the iPad lined up for hours to get one last Saturday
: , the first day that touch-screen media player went on sale nationwide.
: Some waited on line for three hours at the Best Buy on Bay Parkway in
: Bensonhurst — one of only two Brooklyn locations that was selling the cool,
: but apparently not so vital, device.
: “Basically, I’m buying it because Steve Jobs told

1 (共1页)
iQuit -- That's What's Next in the Line中国的成功和APPLE的成功
(某)iPod用的Line Out测评Re: EVO比iphone强多了
Apple gaming share up at the expense of DS/PSPAn EVO 4G Salesman Confronts An iPhone 4 Shopper (转载)
“IPad Attracts Early Crowds, but Lines Thin Out Later”买Kindle的都挺残的。
VZW: Droid is the ultimate geek fugly phoneGarageBand for iPad太强了
不是很满意, 但是会立刻入一个果黑们悲愤 我也悲愤
Steve Jobs, 1996: "Good Artists Copy, Great Artists Steal"apple is changing
网上的一个照片, 不知道什么学校尼玛,苹果的伪四核被围攻了,看最后结局如何。
话题: brooklyn话题: ipad话题: nerds话题: hours话题: jobs