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Apple版 - iTV lawsuit is coming?
what I want to see from appleapple的下一个产品的到底是啥?
请问谁知道Iphone5什么时候上市想买一个apple tv
这个Apple TV hack很强大啊历史不会重演:今日的苹果影响力和当年根本不是一个级别
iTV is the new game console for $99my guess on apple
zz 传苹果将在2011年底推高清智能电视最近的新产品消息在发酵
Apple to Begin Merging iOS and OS X With Quad-Core A6 Chip Next Year?apple tv
apple TV mirroring is goodnew iTV has 1080p
话题: itv话题: apple话题: lawsuit话题: coming
1 (共1页)
发帖数: 16371
San Francisco, CA March 7, 2012 ? iTV Entertainment, LLC announced today
that its counsel, Bart S. Fisher, had sent a letter to Apple, Inc. board
director, Al Gore, suggesting that a meeting be held “to see if an amicable
and fair transaction arrangement” could be made between the parties with
regard to Apple’s use of the “iTV” mark displayed throughout their U.S.
Patent No. 2011/0154394 A1 for a product that is rumored to be in
development by and being planned for a possible launch in 2012. Apple
describes its device as being “an audio and video entertainment center”.
1 (共1页)
new iTV has 1080pzz 传苹果将在2011年底推高清智能电视
Re: new ipad算是果果的滑铁卢了吧 (转载)苹果ITV能啥样子?
大家来想象一下iTV会有怎样的创新呢?Apple to Begin Merging iOS and OS X With Quad-Core A6 Chip Next Year?
下一代梦幻 iTV HDapple TV mirroring is good
what I want to see from appleapple的下一个产品的到底是啥?
请问谁知道Iphone5什么时候上市想买一个apple tv
这个Apple TV hack很强大啊历史不会重演:今日的苹果影响力和当年根本不是一个级别
iTV is the new game console for $99my guess on apple
话题: itv话题: apple话题: lawsuit话题: coming