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Apple版 - Sony's Sound Forge Audio Editing Software Coming to Mac?
Apple开始搞教育了Apple is going into search
iphone 上面居然不能用 google docHP这也抄得越来越无耻了
app store 25B hits countdownI believe new apple TV is coming
App Store's 25 Billionth Download Comes From China with 'Where's My Water? Free'总结aaple发布会上最常用的几个词
Photoshop.com iPhone app突破一百万次下载开始打Infinity Blade II
Better AppleTV finally should come now?Re: 安卓的嚣张气焰被打压了啊 (转载)
话题: mac话题: coming话题: audio话题: forge话题: sony
1 (共1页)
发帖数: 3492
Thu, 28 Jun 2012 07:28:04 PDT
A new website at FinallyOnTheMac.com has just gone live, teasing a major
announcement from an undisclosed company. The site currently consists of a
single YouTube video entitled "Countdown to a revolution", with the site
containing an additional eight blank slots where other videos will
presumably be posted in the coming days.
We believe that Sony is behind the teaser campaign, and the video's focus on
music and audio recording hints that the company's Sound Forge audio
recording and editing tools may be coming to the Mac.
The video offers the following tag lines suggesting that it is indeed an
existing software product that is being rebuilt from the ground up for the
- The wait is over
- Rethought. Reshaped. Recreated.
- Reinvented for the Mac
No timeframe for an official announcement or launch has been given, with the
website and video description simply mentioning that the product will be "
coming soon".
1 (共1页)
Re: 安卓的嚣张气焰被打压了啊 (转载)这个是不是比Siri强了?
苹果是保证利润Photoshop.com iPhone app突破一百万次下载
现在apple最高的一步棋 (转载)每日一果(上)
电视不好做啊Better AppleTV finally should come now?
Apple开始搞教育了Apple is going into search
iphone 上面居然不能用 google docHP这也抄得越来越无耻了
app store 25B hits countdownI believe new apple TV is coming
App Store's 25 Billionth Download Comes From China with 'Where's My Water? Free'总结aaple发布会上最常用的几个词
话题: mac话题: coming话题: audio话题: forge话题: sony