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给反曲DIY了个毛片减震垫Samick 反曲弓咋样?
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话题: deer话题: hunt话题: bow话题: scouting话题: yards
1 (共1页)
发帖数: 1243
发帖数: 1243
发帖数: 7016
毒草是poison ivy?
发帖数: 1243
我对所有能刺穿皮肤的草都敏感。对poison ivy尤甚。这次是poison ivy,已经第四个
发帖数: 1364
We have to take 60 yd shots or the deer will be spooked!


【在 c*******r 的大作中提到】
: 我对所有能刺穿皮肤的草都敏感。对poison ivy尤甚。这次是poison ivy,已经第四个
: 星期了,才开始好转。
: 这个精度我有信心打猎了,不过感觉还是尽量将猎物放到15码再打。我这弓是50磅,20
: 码打到靶子上也是刚刚的,15码的力道更强些,信心更足。
: 我的65磅复合弓打猎,除了粗壮的大骨头需要躲着点,其他小、薄的骨头都能穿透。这
: 张弓打猎需要躲着骨头了,可能要中规中矩地打双肺。

发帖数: 1243
Are you talking about bow hunt? No bow hunter will shot a deer at 60 yards.
Most people shoot deer at 20ish, the most long shot I heard is 40-45. The
most close deer I shot is within 10 yards. I had deer looking at me from 4
yards away without spooking it.
To get close and cheat a deer is the first of first you must learn for bow

【在 o******s 的大作中提到】
: We have to take 60 yd shots or the deer will be spooked!
: 20

发帖数: 1364
Yes and no.
In Arizona, if you are not going in during rut, your average distance is
probably 60 yds. The bachelors are very alert. You may get into 40 yds if
you are lucky. Takes 2+ miles of hike to get to water holes, and 1 out of 10
stalks you have a chance to take a shot. Getting as close as 20 yds is
almost impossible here, even during rut. Bow hunting here is unfortunately
different from most other states.


【在 c*******r 的大作中提到】
: Are you talking about bow hunt? No bow hunter will shot a deer at 60 yards.
: Most people shoot deer at 20ish, the most long shot I heard is 40-45. The
: most close deer I shot is within 10 yards. I had deer looking at me from 4
: yards away without spooking it.
: To get close and cheat a deer is the first of first you must learn for bow
: hunting.

发帖数: 1243
Do you stalk hunt whitetail deer? It is too difficult (almost impossible in
a wild place) for most bowhunters. Do you have any success story? If do
stalk hunt for deer, there is no difference between AZ or other states. It
cannot be an easy job.
Only stalk bowhunting I heard is for elk hunt. However, it usually happens
in thick wood, and a hunter will approach an elk till at least 40-50 yards
to consider a shot.
Majority bow hunters do ambush hunt, no matter to use feeder or not. The
true challenge of bow hunting is not to operate the instrument; it is to
find the game and to get close to the game, either you approach it or let it
approach you.
There are many ways to get close to a deer, not only to use a water hole.


【在 o******s 的大作中提到】
: Yes and no.
: In Arizona, if you are not going in during rut, your average distance is
: probably 60 yds. The bachelors are very alert. You may get into 40 yds if
: you are lucky. Takes 2+ miles of hike to get to water holes, and 1 out of 10
: stalks you have a chance to take a shot. Getting as close as 20 yds is
: almost impossible here, even during rut. Bow hunting here is unfortunately
: different from most other states.
: .

发帖数: 1364
In Northern AZ where the trees are tall, you can use a stand and wait them
in. In my unit, it is desert and low bushes. Tree stands are not used and
cams and feeders can be stolen. Many old bow hunters that I talked to did
get deer by glassing and stalking but it's not easy. My archery mentor does
that frequently. Every local bow hunter talk about water holes here. Need to
do scouting and bait deer but it's 110+ in the summer. Probably do that in
the winter season.
What other methods might you have heard that can lead to higher success?


【在 c*******r 的大作中提到】
: Do you stalk hunt whitetail deer? It is too difficult (almost impossible in
: a wild place) for most bowhunters. Do you have any success story? If do
: stalk hunt for deer, there is no difference between AZ or other states. It
: cannot be an easy job.
: Only stalk bowhunting I heard is for elk hunt. However, it usually happens
: in thick wood, and a hunter will approach an elk till at least 40-50 yards
: to consider a shot.
: Majority bow hunters do ambush hunt, no matter to use feeder or not. The
: true challenge of bow hunting is not to operate the instrument; it is to
: find the game and to get close to the game, either you approach it or let it

发帖数: 1243
Water hole is a good starting point, but not the only one.
What I learnt is that deer may not be necessary to rely on water holes for
water. The morning dew may be good enought some time.
Even you have to stalk hunt deer, I still not recommend you to shoot a deer
more than 50 yards. Beyond 50 yards, you have less than 50% to hit a deer
and less than 50% to retrieve a deer even you hit it. Too many variation can
lead to fail.
Next are few of my tips that may lead you to success:
- Scouting. Find where the deers are. This is the first step. While scouting
, look for the deer tracks, droppings, smell (no kidding), scraping, food
source, water source etc. Deer will hide during daytime, and will come to
food source at night and/or early morning and/or late afternoon. I usually
start my scouting from statellite map. Know the hunting field before put
your feet onto it.
- When you find deer signs, try to judge where deer comes from and where
they go. You can tell it from the footprint. Check their source and
destination, you may tell this is a morning trail or an afternoon one.
- From footprint, judge it is buck or doe or fawn, etc.
- If you can find fresh droppings, then you are quite close to where they
are beddiing, so be super caustion.
- The sweet spot is called "track funnel", an intersection of few tracks.
- If feeding is allowed, I would put the corn close to "funnel", but do not
put it onto the track. May be few yards away.
- If feeding is not allowed, you can use deer smell sense, i.e. deer urine,
while hunting. Deer call is another way to bring deer in; rattle works
sometimes too. My friend has many success stories by using deer call. I hunt
feeder, so seldom use call or urine.
- If the hunting pressure is too high on the field you will hunt, you may
have to work more harder to get a spot where the pressure is relative low.
There is a whole different story if you hunt at public land. You will have
to compete with other hunters more than a deer.
There are so mann tricks to hunt a deer. Every hunter can always find what
work for them ,what is not.


【在 o******s 的大作中提到】
: In Northern AZ where the trees are tall, you can use a stand and wait them
: in. In my unit, it is desert and low bushes. Tree stands are not used and
: trail
: cams and feeders can be stolen. Many old bow hunters that I talked to did
: get deer by glassing and stalking but it's not easy. My archery mentor does
: that frequently. Every local bow hunter talk about water holes here. Need to
: do scouting and bait deer but it's 110+ in the summer. Probably do that in
: the winter season.
: What other methods might you have heard that can lead to higher success?

给反曲DIY了个毛片减震垫新手想买把弓或弩 (转载)
发帖数: 1364
Thanks for the tips. Will try employ them on Sunday.
Deer calls are useful during winter rut when they are silly. At this season
they are super alert, so it is more that I'm mean to myself going on this
hunt. Also it is on public land.


【在 c*******r 的大作中提到】
: Water hole is a good starting point, but not the only one.
: What I learnt is that deer may not be necessary to rely on water holes for
: water. The morning dew may be good enought some time.
: Even you have to stalk hunt deer, I still not recommend you to shoot a deer
: more than 50 yards. Beyond 50 yards, you have less than 50% to hit a deer
: and less than 50% to retrieve a deer even you hit it. Too many variation can
: lead to fail.
: Next are few of my tips that may lead you to success:
: - Scouting. Find where the deers are. This is the first step. While scouting
: , look for the deer tracks, droppings, smell (no kidding), scraping, food

发帖数: 811


【在 c*******r 的大作中提到】
: 我对所有能刺穿皮肤的草都敏感。对poison ivy尤甚。这次是poison ivy,已经第四个
: 星期了,才开始好转。
: 这个精度我有信心打猎了,不过感觉还是尽量将猎物放到15码再打。我这弓是50磅,20
: 码打到靶子上也是刚刚的,15码的力道更强些,信心更足。
: 我的65磅复合弓打猎,除了粗壮的大骨头需要躲着点,其他小、薄的骨头都能穿透。这
: 张弓打猎需要躲着骨头了,可能要中规中矩地打双肺。

发帖数: 1243
You can call deer all year round, not only during rut. You may want to
listen sample calls online.
At least, there are two kinds of calls you can make right now. Regular doe
call, not estrual call, just flat and common call. You can also make a
regular buck call. Whitetail deer is curious to the sound. They would come
to check when they hear it.
I mainly hunt on public land too. It is another story. You have to compete
to other hunters, it is more difficult than playing with deer only. My
experience is that you must spend extra efforts to get success. Hunt
somewhere that others won't be easy to access; or, hunt somewhere that
others may easily ignore.


【在 o******s 的大作中提到】
: Thanks for the tips. Will try employ them on Sunday.
: Deer calls are useful during winter rut when they are silly. At this season
: they are super alert, so it is more that I'm mean to myself going on this
: hunt. Also it is on public land.
: deer
: can
: scouting

发帖数: 1243

【在 B******0 的大作中提到】
: 能拉50、65磅的弓,羡慕你们的好体力。
: 20

发帖数: 811

【在 c*******r 的大作中提到】
: 练练就好,不是很难。
1 (共1页)
选反曲弓的几个入门问题从Force-draw curve来看复合,反曲与直拉弓的差别
recurve bow 瞄准的问题求推荐反曲的箭台
First hunt in the wilderness新手想买把弓或弩 (转载)
Spot, but no stalk新手上弓箭课的选择(反曲还是复合)
话题: deer话题: hunt话题: bow话题: scouting话题: yards