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Arizona版 - 美国科州哈密瓜引发李氏杆菌疫情 已造成13人死亡 zz
Research positions美国科州哈密瓜引发李氏杆菌疫情 已造成13人死亡 zz (转载)
车辆保险无缘无故涨价,有什么可以推荐的?美国科州哈密瓜引发李氏杆菌疫情 已造成13人死亡 zz
摘桃了Cantaloupe illnesses and deaths expected to rise
告诉大家一声,周末桃子节*****最近大家暂停吃cantaloupe啊,16人死了!!!!! (转载)
美国同性恋者梅毒感染数翻倍 (转载)美国甜瓜死了29人了
CDC:gay佬只占人口总数2%,但却是患艾滋病的高风险群体 (转载)*****最近大家暂停吃cantaloupe啊,16人死了!!!!!
Re: 无能的美国政府将导致Ebola的灾难扩大 (转载)*****最近大家暂停吃cantaloupe啊,16人死了!!!!! (转载)
左逼当权的CDC非弄点漏子出来才舒服 (转载)食品安全问题,大家多多注意
话题: farms话题: jensen话题: listeria话题: outbreak
1 (共1页)
发帖数: 11198
美国科州哈密瓜引发李氏杆菌疫情 已造成13人死亡 zz
新闻来源: 中新网 于September 27, 2011 23:30:53 敬请注意:新闻取自各大新闻媒体
西部科罗拉多州霍利市的延森农场(Jensen Farms)的哈密瓜。在李氏杆菌疫情爆发后,
州4例;俄克拉何马州1例;得克萨斯州2例。 www.6park.com
For Immediate Release: Sept. 19, 2011
Media Inquiries: Doug Karas, 301-796-2805, d***********[email protected]
Consumer Inquiries: 1-888-INFO-FDA
FDA confirms Listeria monocytogenes on Jensen Farms’ Rocky Ford-brand
Jensen Farms voluntarily recalled product last week in response to outbreak
Today, the Food and Drug Administration announced that it found Listeria
monocytogenes in samples of Jensen Farms’ Rocky Ford-brand cantaloupe taken
from a Denver-area store and on samples taken from equipment and cantaloupe
at the Jensen Farms’ packing facility. Tests confirmed that the Listeria
monocytogenes found in the samples matches one of the three different
strains of Listeria monocytogenes associated with the multi-state outbreak
of listeriosis.
Jensen Farms recalled its Rocky Ford-brand cantaloupes on Sept. 14 in
response to the multi-state outbreak of listeriosis. Cantaloupes from other
farms in Colorado, including farms in the Rocky Ford growing area, have not
been linked to this outbreak.
To date, the Centers for Diseases Control and Prevention reports that 35
people in 10 states, including four deaths, have been infected with the
outbreak strains of Listeria monocytogenes.
FDA investigators collected cantaloupes and environmental samples from a
Denver-area store and from the Jensen Farms packing facility in Granada,
Colo., after Colorado state health officials identified Jensen Farms’ Rocky
Ford-brand cantaloupes as the common food eaten by several listeriosis
Jensen Farms, based in Holly, Colo., is cooperating with the FDA and state
officials in Colorado. The company is working with federal and state
authorities to ensure the recalled cantaloupes are promptly removed from the
marketplace. Jensen Farms is also helping federal and state authorities
determine the root cause of how the cantaloupes became contaminated.
The FDA’s root-cause investigation and environmental assessment includes
the on-site expertise of FDA and state of Colorado microbiologists,
environmental health specialists, veterinarians and investigative officers.
The experts conducting the assessment will analyze the evidence, determine
the most likely cause of contamination and identify potential controls to
help prevent contamination in the future. The FDA will use the findings to
help inform agency policy regarding Listeria and produce food safety best
Jensen Farms shipped the recalled cantaloupes from July 29 through Sept. 10
to at least 17 states with possible further distribution.
The FDA advises consumers—especially persons at high risk for listeriosis,
including older adults, persons with weakened immune systems and pregnant
women—not to eat the recalled cantaloupes and to throw them away. Do not
try to wash the harmful bacteria off the cantaloupe as contamination may be
both on the inside and outside of the cantaloupe. Cutting, slicing and
dicing may also transfer harmful bacteria from the fruit’s surface to the
fruit’s flesh.
For additional information about the recalled products, including product
labels: http://www.fda.gov/Safety/Recalls/ucm271879.htm.
For additional information about the outbreak:
• FDA warns consumers not to eat Rocky Ford Cantaloupes shipped by
Jensen Farms
• CDC Investigation on multi-state listeriosis outbreak
• FoodSafety.gov on Listeria
The FDA, an agency within the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services,
protects the public health by assuring the safety, effectiveness, and
security of human and veterinary drugs, vaccines and other biological
products for human use, and medical devices. The agency also is responsible
for the safety and security of our nation’s food supply, cosmetics, dietary
supplements, products that give off electronic radiation, and for
regulating tobacco products.
发帖数: 257
发帖数: 11198
Deaths From Cantaloupe Listeria Rise
Kathryn Scott Osler,/The Denver Post
Testing by the Colorado health department helped trace the listeria outbreak
to Rocky Ford cantaloupes grown by Jensen Farms.
Published: September 27, 2011
At least 13 people in eight states have died after eating cantaloupe
contaminated with listeria, in the deadliest outbreak of food-borne illness
in the United States in more than a decade, public health officials said on
Many of the deaths involved elderly people, who are especially susceptible
to the aggressive pathogen.
The cantaloupes were grown by a Colorado company, Jensen Farms, which issued
a recall earlier this month. The melons, a type marketed as Rocky Ford
cantaloupes, named after a region in Colorado, were sold around the country.
The federal Centers for Disease Control and Prevention reported that since
the outbreak began in late July at least 72 people had fallen ill in 18
The agency said that four people had died in New Mexico, two in Colorado,
two in Texas, and one each in Kansas, Maryland, Missouri, Nebraska and
Oklahoma. The toll could grow as state health officials wait for test
results on other deaths suspected of being part of the outbreak.
Officials said that most of those who died were over age 60. At least two
were in their 90s.
Listeria is a common but dangerous bacteria that can cause severe illness,
especially among the elderly, the very young and people with compromised
immune systems. The pathogen can also cause pregnant women to have
Federal officials have so far provided no information about the number of
miscarriages or stillbirths associated with the outbreak. Pregnant women are
20 times as likely as other healthy adults to come down with a severe
infection, according to the C.D.C.
John N. Sofos, a professor of food safety at Colorado State University, said
that many people who were infected might have only mild symptoms, like
diarrhea. But in others, especially those in the most vulnerable categories,
the bacteria can aggressively move out of the gastrointestinal tract and
attack muscle tissue or the spinal cord, leading to much more severe
illnesses like meningitis.
For that reason, the death rate in listeria outbreaks is often much higher
than with other forms of food-borne bacteria.
William Marler, a Seattle lawyer who represents victims of food-borne
illness, said this outbreak might turn out to be especially deadly simply
because cantaloupe is a food eaten by many older people.
“Sometimes in outbreaks, it’s the population that’s consuming the food
that drives the numbers,” Mr. Marler said. “In this instance, you’ve got
a lot of people 60 and older who are consuming cantaloupe.”
The outbreak appeared to be the third worst in the United States attributed
to any form of food-borne illness, in terms of the number of deaths, since
the C.D.C. began regularly tracking such outbreaks in the early 1970s.
The deadliest outbreak in the United States since then occurred in 1985,
when a wave of listeria illness, linked to Mexican-style fresh cheese, swept
through California. A federal database says 52 deaths were attributed to
the outbreak, but news reports at the time put the number as high as 84.
The second deadliest outbreak was in 1998 and 1999, when there were at least
14 deaths and four miscarriages or stillbirths in a listeria outbreak
linked to hot dogs and delicatessen meats. Some sources put the death toll
in that outbreak as high as 21.
With the updated death toll on Tuesday, the Rocky Ford cantaloupe outbreak
surpassed the 2008 deaths associated with salmonella-tainted peanuts and
peanut butter produced by a Georgia company, the Peanut Corporation of
America. That outbreak, which drew a large amount of news coverage, killed
nine people and sickened more than 700.
The huge outbreak this year in Europe of a rare form of E. coli bacteria
attributed to fenugreek sprouts killed at least 50 people.
Listeria is a common bacteria that can be found in soil, water, decaying
plant matter and manure. A strain of the organism, called Listeria
monocytogenes, was first found to cause illness linked to food in the early
1980s. Since then, only a handful of listeria outbreaks have been associated
with fresh fruits and vegetables. The majority were caused by tainted meat
or dairy products.
It can take more than two months for a person exposed to the bacteria to
fall ill, which means that it is often difficult to identify a food that
carried the pathogen.
Unlike some other bacteria, listeria also grows well at low temperatures,
meaning it can be difficult to eliminate from refrigerated areas used to
process or store foods.
The Food and Drug Administration said it had found the strain of the
bacteria on melons and on equipment in the Colorado farm’s packing house.
It also found the bacteria on melons in a Denver-area store. Investigators
have not said how they believe the contamination occurred.
The F.D.A. recommends that consumers rinse all raw produce, including
cantaloupes, under running water. Firm produce, like melons, should be
scrubbed with a produce brush. The washed produce should be dried with a
clean cloth or unused paper towel, the agency said.
发帖数: 11198
Today's Highlights, September 27, 2011
As of 11am EDT on September 26, 2011, a total of 72 persons infected with
the four outbreak-associated strains of Listeria monocytogenes have been
reported to CDC from 18 states. All illnesses started on or after July 31,
2011. The number of infected persons identified in each state is as follows:
California (1), Colorado (15), Florida (1), Illinois (1), Indiana (2),
Kansas (5), Maryland (1), Missouri (1), Montana (1), Nebraska (6), New
Mexico (10), North Dakota (1), Oklahoma (8), Texas (14), Virginia (1), West
Virginia (1), Wisconsin (2), and Wyoming (1).
Thirteen deaths have been reported: 2 in Colorado, 1 in Kansas, 1 in
Maryland, 1 in Missouri, 1 in Nebraska, 4 in New Mexico, 1 in Oklahoma, and
2 in Texas.
Collaborative investigations by local, state, and federal public health and
regulatory agencies indicate the source of the outbreak is whole cantaloupe
grown at Jensen Farms’ production fields in Granada, Colorado.
On September 14, 2011, FDA issued a press release to announce that Jensen
Farms issued a voluntary recall of its Rocky Ford-brand cantaloupes after
being linked to a multistate outbreak of listeriosis.
CDC recommends that persons at high risk for listeriosis, including older
adults, persons with weakened immune systems, and pregnant women, do not eat
Rocky Ford cantaloupes from Jensen Farms.
Other consumers who want to reduce their risk of Listeria infection should
not eat Rocky Ford cantaloupes from Jensen Farms.
Even if some of the cantaloupe has been eaten without becoming ill, dispose
of the rest of the cantaloupe immediately. Listeria bacteria can grow in the
cantaloupe at room and refrigerator temperatures.
Go to September 27, 2011 for a full report.
More information about listeriosis and recommendations to reduce the risk of
getting listeriosis from food are available at CDC’s Listeriosis webpage.
For more information on food outbreaks, please visit CDC’s Multistate
Foodborne Outbreaks page.
发帖数: 802
1 (共1页)
食品安全问题,大家多多注意美国同性恋者梅毒感染数翻倍 (转载)
食品安全问题,大家​多多注意CDC:gay佬只占人口总数2%,但却是患艾滋病的高风险群体 (转载)
科州产 Cantaloupe 已致 16 人死亡Re: 无能的美国政府将导致Ebola的灾难扩大 (转载)
我老婆杀西瓜的方法是我见过最科学的左逼当权的CDC非弄点漏子出来才舒服 (转载)
Research positions美国科州哈密瓜引发李氏杆菌疫情 已造成13人死亡 zz (转载)
车辆保险无缘无故涨价,有什么可以推荐的?美国科州哈密瓜引发李氏杆菌疫情 已造成13人死亡 zz
摘桃了Cantaloupe illnesses and deaths expected to rise
告诉大家一声,周末桃子节*****最近大家暂停吃cantaloupe啊,16人死了!!!!! (转载)
话题: farms话题: jensen话题: listeria话题: outbreak