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Arizona版 - 这个搞笑:美国小左被埃及关起来,然后大呼没人权 (转载)
Amnesty International @ asu zzFormer Clinton Foundation employee, Muslim Brotherhood official, arrested
64%的西裔支持遣返非法移民 (转载)疤蟆支持的埃及总统要滚蛋了
Sheriff Joe: 'We're Going to be Flooded' With Illegal Immigrants埃及都怀疑巴马是不是能对付ISIS了
英国新生男孩最流行名字是穆罕默德 (转载)这就开始紧张了?
美帝V5! 干掉了埃及两位总统!Obama对埃及军方推翻民选政府停止宪法深表担心ZT
John Kerry's Another $250 million Aid for Muslim Brotherhood埃及人民要求美国大使赶紧滚ZT纽约时报
话题: soltan话题: his话题: he话题: egyptian话题: mohamed
1 (共1页)
发帖数: 29846
【 以下文字转载自 USANews 讨论区 】
发信人: lczlcz (lcz), 信区: USANews
标 题: 这个搞笑:美国小左被埃及关起来,然后大呼没人权
发信站: BBS 未名空间站 (Wed Sep 24 14:19:31 2014, 美东)
就是每天被看守人员打一顿而已,然后就大呼怎么没人权,怎么没有medical. 好像这些
都是tmd的他应得的一样.还说我绝食怎么没人来看护我. 哈哈. 这种人还是早死早好.
A U.S. citizen imprisoned in Egypt following the overthrow of Muslim
Brotherhood-backed Mohamed Morsi is near death after refusing to eat for 230
days, say human rights activists and his family, who are pleading for his
immediate release.
Mohamed Soltan, 26, who holds dual citizenship and graduated from The Ohio
State University, was arrested in August 2013 during a crackdown against pro
-Morsi supporters in Egypt's Rabaa Al Adeweya Square. Soltan was working at
the time with a media committee that was reporting violations by security
forces against against pro-Morsi supporters since the former Egyptian
president's ousting, according to Amnesty International.
Soltan was initially moved from prison to prison to conceal his whereabouts.
He was later placed in solitary confinement and imprisoned at al-Aqrab
maximum security prison as punishment for going on a hunger strike, the
human rights group said. Soltan is one of 86 detained activists who are
using hunger strikes to protest the inhumane conditions under which they are
held and the repressive law that prompted their arrest.
According to a website devoted to his release, Soltan was able to
communicate with family and told them he was routinely beaten with rocks and
"The brutality with which I have been treated has been mind boggling," the
website, #Free_Soltan, quotes Soltan as saying. "During the day, soldiers
and police would get in two straight lines, and we would have to run in
between them as they beat us with rocks and sticks."
"They put us in jail cells with what must have been 60 other inmates, and it
was terribly hot and water was not made available to us," he said. "I saw
an inmate suffer a heart attack right before my eyes and not receive proper
medical attention. The surgical wound on my arm was open and oozing, and not
one of the guards seemed to care because I was labeled a political prisoner
Soltan's health has since dramatically deteriorated following his 230-day
hunger strike, but Egyptian prison officials refuse to provide medical care
as he faces imminent organ failure, Geoffrey Mock, Egyptian country
specialist for Amnesty International, told FoxNews.com. His lawyer said
Soltan is given medical treatment when he loses consciousness, then taken
back to his cell when he recovers.
It was not clear what medical treatment was involved but without nutrients
and water, most hunger strikers could not last more than several months.
"The conditions under which he's being held is cruel and callous but it's
also unlawful under Egyptian law," Mock said Tuesday. "He needs to be
released immediately."
"The treatment he's getting is consistent with the treatment of the more
than 16,000 detainees [in Egypt]," he said. "In many cases it amounts to
cruel, inhumane and degrading treatment that falls short of human rights
"The treatment of all prisoners has to meet Egyptian law -- meaning
detainees must get adequate medical care and be granted access to family and
lawyers and prompt and fair trials," he added. "We have great concerns
about the fairness of the trials that have happened in the aftermath of
Morsi's removal.
"He's being held for his right of freedom of expression," Mock said.
According to Amnesty International, Soltan was charged with "funding the
Rabaa al-Adawiya sit-in" and disseminating "false information" that
escalated unrest in the country. Security forces stormed his home in Cairo
on Aug. 25, 2013, searching for his father, Salah Soltan, a professor at
Cairo University and a member of the Muslim Brotherhood, according to the
Unable to find his father, they arrested Mohamed Soltan and three of his
Soltan's sister, Hanaa, who lives in Falls Church, Va., was not immediately
available for comment when contacted Tuesday.
Soltan, who holds dual U.S.-Egyptian citizenship, grew up in Kansas City and
attended The Ohio State University with a focus in economics. The #Free_
Soltan website describes the young man as a peace activist who was the
president of the Muslim Student Association while in college and involved in
many charitable events. The website also claims that Mohamed Soltan is not
a member of the Muslim Brotherhood.
"His activism led him to be involved on Medical Aid convoys to the Middle
East," the website said, noting that he traveled to the outskirts of Jordan
in 2012 where he helped provide aid to Syrian refugees.
"Mohamed's dedication to both his identities, American and Egyptian, have
shown through in his activism," the website said. "His dedication to his
American identity led him to stay active in local community work in Columbus
, Ohio. His dedication to his Egyptian identity led him to leave Ohio State
for a semester and postpone his graduation in order to join millions of
Egyptians who called for the ouster of the long standing dictator Hosni
Soltan was reportedly arrested in Egypt 10 days after being shot in the arm
during a crackdown on a protest camp in August 2013.
1 (共1页)
The Facebook Caliphate美帝V5! 干掉了埃及两位总统!
埃及伊斯兰主义总统给美国上课的季节到了John Kerry's Another $250 million Aid for Muslim Brotherhood
Amnesty International @ asu zzFormer Clinton Foundation employee, Muslim Brotherhood official, arrested
64%的西裔支持遣返非法移民 (转载)疤蟆支持的埃及总统要滚蛋了
Sheriff Joe: 'We're Going to be Flooded' With Illegal Immigrants埃及都怀疑巴马是不是能对付ISIS了
英国新生男孩最流行名字是穆罕默德 (转载)这就开始紧张了?
话题: soltan话题: his话题: he话题: egyptian话题: mohamed