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Arizona版 - 17岁非法移民强奸杀害他5岁的cousin (转载)
请记住华人中的败类! (转载)无证移民送女上学被捕 (转载)
全球变暖会造成更多的人被强奸,被抢劫 (转载)纽约结果出来了。
谁在线吗,请帮忙啊Man using Facebook to prey on teens admits to rape (转载)
Speechless (转载)Man using Facebook to prey on teens admits to rape
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无证移民送女上学被捕俩个刚来的dreamers在校园强奸。 (转载)
话题: he话题: sanches话题: zenteno话题: cousin话题: police
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发帖数: 29846
【 以下文字转载自 USANews 讨论区 】
发信人: lczlcz (lcz), 信区: USANews
标 题: 17岁非法移民强奸杀害他5岁的cousin
发信站: BBS 未名空间站 (Thu Sep 25 18:57:44 2014, 美东)
Illegal Alien Admits Raping 5-Year-Old Cousin, But Claims He Didn’t Kill
With time off for good behavior he should be out and ready to vote Democrat
in 10 years or so. Thanks, Obama!
A 17-year-old illegal immigrant who is accused of strangling his five-
year-old cousin to death before leaving her body hanging in a closet has
admitted raping her.
Angel Sanches-Zenteno was arrested earlier this month after Katherina
Gonzalez’s body was found inside a vacant apartment in Lake Highlands,
Sanches-Zenteno told police he was with the girl, but said another man
who he identified only as ‘Carlos’ was responsible for her death.
According to police Sanches-Zenteno told them his cousin followed him
into the building after he was taken hostage ‘Carlos’.
Sanches-Zenteno claimed ‘Carlos’ forced him into the building at
gunpoint before shutting him in the closet.
He had initially told police that he ‘did not rape’ Katherina,
according to police documents, reports Dallas News.
Well, at least he’s no longer living in the shadows.
Police said he is an undocumented immigrant who has lived in the U.S.
for six months to a year.
One of Obama’s DREAMers. Wonderful.
1 (共1页)
俩个刚来的dreamers在校园强奸。 (转载)17岁非法移民强奸杀害他5岁的cousin
俩个刚来的dreamers在校园强奸。 (转载)China Daily: 四个国男里就有一个强奸犯
LA vs. Other Cities ... a second opinion民主的三哥威武:又有两少女被轮J然后吊死 (转载)
俩个刚来的dreamers在校园强奸。 (转载)无证移民送女上学被捕
请记住华人中的败类! (转载)无证移民送女上学被捕 (转载)
全球变暖会造成更多的人被强奸,被抢劫 (转载)纽约结果出来了。
谁在线吗,请帮忙啊Man using Facebook to prey on teens admits to rape (转载)
Speechless (转载)Man using Facebook to prey on teens admits to rape
话题: he话题: sanches话题: zenteno话题: cousin话题: police