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Arizona版 - 北卡已经发现投票舞弊 (转载)
非法移民开车撞死两个小女孩后被释放 (转载)又一加州城市拒绝为非法移民提供住所 (转载)
GM汽车的点火装置缺陷已确认使84人死亡 (转载)64%的西裔支持遣返非法移民 (转载)
Sheriff, Joe Arpaio, Stands Alone Against Unions And Outsiders in Recall Effort前民猪党众议员Giffords喜欢自打耳光
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AZ治安官:巴马把很多非法移民罪犯释放到AZ来 (转载)面对home invader,17岁的女儿毅然拿起家里的枪 (转载)
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这批非法移民果然给力,已经开始杀人了 (转载)请教下Macboat
话题: names话题: daca话题: ineligible话题: voting话题: elections
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发帖数: 29846
【 以下文字转载自 USANews 讨论区 】
发信人: lczlcz (lcz), 信区: USANews
标 题: 北卡已经发现投票舞弊
发信站: BBS 未名空间站 (Wed Oct 22 15:44:23 2014, 美东)
Ineligible DACA Beneficiaries Discovered on NC Voting Rolls
via Breitbart Feed
With the North Carolina U.S. Senate race in a dead heta, state election
officials say they have discovered 145 names on the voting rolls who are
ineligible to vote because they are illegal immigrants who have been granted
President Obama’s Deferred Action for Childhood Arrivals status.
According to a Winston-Salem Journal report, the State Board of Elections
discovered the potential illegal voters Tuesday night when the N.C. Division
of Motor Vehicles ran a search for DACA licenses. The 145 DACA recipients
whose names appear on the SBOE’s voting rolls will be sent letters
requesting documentation that they are citizens, the report noted.
DACA beneficiaries in North Carolina are able to obtain drivers licenses,
but they are not able to vote.
The Journal notes that it is likely more ineligible people may still remain
on the voting rolls.
Nearly 10,000 names on the rolls are tagged by the DMV as "legally
present," according to elections and transportation officials. But that
doesn’t mean that all 10,000 are ineligible to vote at this time. These are
license holders who were not U.S. citizens when they got a license. They
may have been green-card holders, foreign workers or foreign students, for
Most have become U.S. citizens since getting a license, according to an
estimate by elections officials based on a sample of the overall list.
According to the report, earlier this month the SBOE officials did a sample
cross-check of 1,600 of the 10,000 “legally present” names against a
Department of Homeland Security database and found that 94 percent were U.S.
citizens and eligible to vote. However, that still meant that six percent
were ineligible, meaning if the ratio held for the whole 10,000, 600 people
would be ineligible.
Mike Charbonneau, a DMV spokesman, told the Journal that it is now cross
checking all the names.
While the officials work to cross check names, early voting is set to start
in the state Thursday.
“We want to know how such a large number of non-U.S. citizens were ever
registered to vote in the first place,” Jay DeLancy, executive director of
the Voter Integrity Project of North Carolina, told Watchdog.org. “There is
clearly a system failure here and we need the Board of Elections and the
DMV to help the Legislature and the public understand where the problem lies
1 (共1页)
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Sheriff, Joe Arpaio, Stands Alone Against Unions And Outsiders in Recall Effort前民猪党众议员Giffords喜欢自打耳光
很好, Magpul兑现诺言,离开科州去德州和怀俄明 (转载)英国新生男孩最流行名字是穆罕默德 (转载)
话题: names话题: daca话题: ineligible话题: voting话题: elections