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Arizona版 - 巴黎遭遇恐怖袭击,12人死亡 (转载)
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ISIS 是最纯正的穆斯林 (转载)巴黎遭遇恐怖袭击,12人死亡
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Tucson有月嫂或者钟点工吗?求推荐法国一杂志总部遭武装分子袭击 已致10死
话题: paris话题: newspaper话题: attack话题: france话题: french
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【 以下文字转载自 USANews 讨论区 】
发信人: lczlcz (lcz), 信区: USANews
标 题: 巴黎遭遇恐怖袭击,12人死亡
发信站: BBS 未名空间站 (Wed Jan 7 12:39:56 2015, 美东)
12 Dead in 'Terrorist' Attack on Paris Satirical Newspaper
Twelve people have died and three others were critically injured as gunmen
opened fire at the office of a Paris-based satirical newspaper today in an
attack that France's president called a "terrorist operation."
The shooting at the office of Charlie Hebdo was a "cowardly attack," said
President Francois Hollande when he was at the scene this morning.
Shooting at Paris Newspaper Office
Chaos in the Streets of Paris After Terror Attack
Gunmen in Paris Attack Likely 'Well Trained,' Experts Say
Charlie Hebdo: A Profile of the Satirical French Newspaper
"This is a terrorist operation against an office that has been threatened
several times, which is why it was protected," he said, without going into
the specifics of the police protection at the office in the center of Paris.
Photos from the scene show a police car riddled with bullet holes.
The newspaper had been targeted in the past over its content, often aimed at
religious groups.
French officials confirmed that there are believed to be three attackers,
all of whom were seen in videos wearing black from head-to-toe. Their
identities and affiliations have not been revealed but one of the men is
heard screaming "Allahu Akbar," an Islamic phrase meaning "God is great," in
one of the scene videos.
This morning's turmoil punctured an otherwise normal day in the French
capital, with the gunshots audible from nearby buildings, sending bystanders
cowering. The masked gunmen were later seen fleeing the scene and hijacked
a car, authorities said. They have not been caught and a search is underway
for the shooters.
The tragedy marks France's deadliest terror attack in decades. The
government raised its terror alert to the highest level and reinforced
security at houses of worship, stores, media offices and transportation.
The New York City Police Department ordered extra security to the French
consulate in Manhattan and the U.S. Department of Homeland Security said
that they are closely monitoring the events in France and are ready to
adjust their "security posture, as appropriate."
Un homme évacué devant les journalistes #CharlieHebdo pic.twitter.com/
— Mathieu Magnaudeix (@mathieu_m) January 7, 2015
Charlie Hebdo, a satirical newspaper, has come under attack before. Their
office was firebombed in 2011 and its website was hacked after its cover
featured the prophet Muhammad. Nearly a year later, the publication again
published crude Muhammad caricatures, drawing denunciations from around the
Muslim world.
The cover of this week's issue of the newspaper focuses on a new book by
Michel Houellebecq, “Submission,” which depicts France led by an Islamic
party that bans women from the workplace.
1 (共1页)
法国一杂志总部遭武装分子袭击 已致10死Is there any sale tax for the used car?
英国新生男孩最流行名字是穆罕默德 (转载)Arizona 就是猛!
德州交通警打死的两个木虱吝竟然是从Phoenix去的移民In Paris,Sell items
琐男看看这些内容,吓死你--伊斯兰20条和圣战三步曲 (转载)白宫投票暂停接受叙利亚难民--支持的情投票 (转载)
ISIS 是最纯正的穆斯林 (转载)巴黎遭遇恐怖袭击,12人死亡
话题: paris话题: newspaper话题: attack话题: france话题: french