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Arizona版 - 牛津大学出版商决定在书里面不提到猪和香肠 (转载)
疤蟆果然是个穆斯林 (转载)McCain 完蛋了,最后的稻草都抓不住了
穆斯林征服四部曲--恐怖 (转载)美国囚犯要求宗教饮食,不为信仰为口福 (转载)
琐男看看这些内容,吓死你--伊斯兰20条和圣战三步曲 (转载)牛津大学出版商决定在书里面不提到猪和香肠
英国新生男孩最流行名字是穆罕默德 (转载)How to publish "water" paper in a "water" journal [ZZ] (转载)
呵呵, 脑残素食者要穆斯林放弃献祭牲畜,结果被暴打 (转载)Trump的支持者要求铲除Muslims
有关穆斯林总结,一切尽在此回复中 (转载)历史的轮回:穆斯林西征 & 十字军东征
有关穆斯林的总结太震撼完整了 (转载)有人接触到过好的穆斯林没有?
去加州开会,一个懒惰和更加种歧的墨黑国正在浮现 原创 (转载)穆斯林小孩到青春期都得割包皮吧?
话题: pigs话题: oup话题: sausages话题: people
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【 以下文字转载自 USANews 讨论区 】
发信人: lczlcz (lcz), 信区: USANews
标 题: 牛津大学出版商决定在书里面不提到猪和香肠
发信站: BBS 未名空间站 (Wed Jan 14 14:16:26 2015, 美东)
Publisher Bans Pigs and Sausage From Kids Books: ‘t’s just ludicrous. It
is just a joke’
As many in the world defiantly stand with Charlie Hebdo in the wake of last
week’s terrorism in France, one UK publisher has decided to self-censor so
as to not offend anyone by showing pigs and sausages in children’s books.
How absurd.
Schoolbook authors have been told not to write about sausages or pigs
for fear of causing offence.
Guidance from leading educational publisher the Oxford University Press
prohibits authors from including anything that could be perceived as pork-
related in their books.
The bizarre clampdown, apparently aimed at avoiding offence among Jews
and Muslims, emerged yesterday during a discussion about free speech on
Radio 4’s Today programme.
It was immediately branded ‘nonsensical political correctness’.
Presenter Jim Naughtie – whose writer wife Eleanor Updale is in talks
with Oxford University Press (OUP) over an educational book series – said:
‘I’ve got a letter here that was sent out by OUP to an author doing
something for young people.
‘Among the things prohibited in the text that was commissioned by OUP
was the following: Pigs plus sausages, or anything else which could be
perceived as pork.
‘Now, if a respectable publisher, tied to an academic institution, is
saying you’ve got to write a book in which you cannot mention pigs because
some people might be offended, it’s just ludicrous. It is just a joke.’
Muslim Labour MP Khalid Mahmood said: ‘I absolutely agree. That’s
absolute utter nonsense. And when people go too far, that brings the whole
discussion into disrepute.’
Indeed, it does, but political correctness and fear now dominates eveything.
Ironically these same people act as our moral and intellectual superiors
while they’re the cowards and idiots.
But last night the publishing rules were ridiculed amid doubts either
Muslims or Jews would be offended by mention of farm animals in a children’
s book.
Tory MP Philip Davies said: ‘How on earth can anyone find the word “
pig” or “pork” offensive?
‘No word is offensive. It is the context in which it is used that is
He added: ‘On the one hand you have politicians and the great and the
good falling over each other to say how much they believe in freedom of
speech and on the other hand they are presiding over people being unable to
use and write words that are completely inoffensive.
‘We have got to get a grip on this nonsensical political correctness.
Good luck with that.
1 (共1页)
穆斯林小孩到青春期都得割包皮吧?呵呵, 脑残素食者要穆斯林放弃献祭牲畜,结果被暴打 (转载)
红脖威武有关穆斯林总结,一切尽在此回复中 (转载)
为什么Trump一定会让美国无比强大繁荣有关穆斯林的总结太震撼完整了 (转载)
最新:埃及MS804机长的恐怖组织背景去加州开会,一个懒惰和更加种歧的墨黑国正在浮现 原创 (转载)
疤蟆果然是个穆斯林 (转载)McCain 完蛋了,最后的稻草都抓不住了
穆斯林征服四部曲--恐怖 (转载)美国囚犯要求宗教饮食,不为信仰为口福 (转载)
琐男看看这些内容,吓死你--伊斯兰20条和圣战三步曲 (转载)牛津大学出版商决定在书里面不提到猪和香肠
英国新生男孩最流行名字是穆罕默德 (转载)How to publish "water" paper in a "water" journal [ZZ] (转载)
话题: pigs话题: oup话题: sausages话题: people