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Arizona版 - 看一下你的州最受欢迎的啤酒是什么 (转载)
哈哈. 亚利桑那民主党州参议员决定弃暗投明 (转载)Apple上季度卖了3千9百30万个iPhone (转载)
Friday March 9th 6:30 Happy Hour, 报名看一下你的州最受欢迎的啤酒是什么
friendcool.com看一下你的州最受欢迎的啤酒是什么 (转载)
[合集] ~欢度中秋~爱喝酒的注意了--2011 WASHINGTON BREWERS FESTIVAL
大家都去哪儿买家具?有人跑过Beer Mile吗?
我把周末乱弹(心态)给删了,因为被提到首页了Boston Beer Company
好象UCSD的校报报道了,而且还有投票,赶紧去投 (转载)newt is projected to win in SC!
加州:AD-16即将创造华人参政的辉煌 (转载)突然觉得每个基督徒心中都有一个潜在的法利塞人(ZZ)
话题: beer话题: popular话题: most话题: state话题: your
1 (共1页)
发帖数: 29846
【 以下文字转载自 USANews 讨论区 】
发信人: lczlcz (lcz), 信区: USANews
标 题: 看一下你的州最受欢迎的啤酒是什么
发信站: BBS 未名空间站 (Thu Jul 16 18:41:12 2015, 美东)
Most Popular Beer in Your State Is? This Map Has the Answer…
Michael Cantrell
July 16, 2015 11:00 am
Beer has been a staple of humanity for centuries, and as a reformed
Christian who’s a big, big fan of Martin Luther and John Calvin — who
actually had barrels of wine included as part of his pastor’s salary — I
do enjoy the flavor of a good brew from time to time.
In moderation of course. No drunkenness for this guy.
Anyway, a new map just came out that shows what the most popular beer in
each state is, and the results are actually pretty interesting.
What beer is the most popular in your state?
The data for these maps was created by polling 6,000 restaurants and bars
all over the U.S.
Were you surprised by which beer was the most popular in your state? If you
like to crack open a cold one, what’s your favorite brew?
1 (共1页)
突然觉得每个基督徒心中都有一个潜在的法利塞人(ZZ) (转载)好象UCSD的校报报道了,而且还有投票,赶紧去投 (转载)
哥上次onsite就是吃的BJ加州:AD-16即将创造华人参政的辉煌 (转载)
哈哈. 亚利桑那民主党州参议员决定弃暗投明 (转载)Apple上季度卖了3千9百30万个iPhone (转载)
Friday March 9th 6:30 Happy Hour, 报名看一下你的州最受欢迎的啤酒是什么
friendcool.com看一下你的州最受欢迎的啤酒是什么 (转载)
[合集] ~欢度中秋~爱喝酒的注意了--2011 WASHINGTON BREWERS FESTIVAL
话题: beer话题: popular话题: most话题: state话题: your