

本页内容为未名空间相应帖子的节选和存档,一周内的贴子最多显示50字,超过一周显示500字 访问原贴
Arts版 - Masterpieces 代表作(一)
Masterpieces 代表作(二)Botticelli, Sandro: The Birth of Venus
Masterpieces 代表作(三)关注达芬奇——世界上最著名的肖像画《蒙娜丽莎》
Sandro Botticelli 桑德罗.波提切利愤青语录 V
Biography Introduction 生平简介这个MTV里的画,我认不全-帮忙看看?
Way to the peak 成长路程Re: [转载] 想问个教堂建筑风格的
The end - 暗淡的结局Who knows the name of this sculpture?
名画鉴赏(转自画苑鉴赏)-4-[转载] 胡思乱想之五。
话题: botticelli话题: medici话题: 代表作话题: were
1 (共1页)
发帖数: 65
Botticelli's two most famous paintings were painted around this time,
possibly for Lorenzo di Pierfrancesco de' Medici. They are the
Primavera (c1478) and the Birth of Venus (c1483), both in the Uffizi.
These are mythologies, not of the capricious Ovidian sort, but, it has
been suggested, ones that embody the moral and metaphysical Neoplatonic
ideas that were then fashionable in the Medici circles. Pure visual
poetry, they are stylistically the quintessence of Botticelli: there is
a deliberate d
发帖数: 65
Botticelli's two most famous paintings were painted around this time,
possibly for Lorenzo di Pierfrancesco de' Medici. They are the
Primavera (c1478) and the Birth of Venus (c1483), both in the Uffizi.
These are mythologies, not of the capricious Ovidian sort, but, it has
been suggested, ones that embody the moral and metaphysical Neoplatonic
ideas that were then fashionable in the Medici circles. Pure visual
poetry, they are stylistically the quintessence of Botticelli: there is
a deliberate denial of rational spatial construction and no attempt to
model solid-looking figures; instead the figures float on the forward
plane of the picture against a decorative landscape backdrop, and form,
defined by outline, is willfully modified to imbue that outline with
expressive power.
1 (共1页)
[转载] 胡思乱想之五。Way to the peak 成长路程
[转载] TasteThe end - 暗淡的结局
The Sower: by Millet and by Van Gogh宗教与艺术(1)
A Gem in the Mud?名画鉴赏(转自画苑鉴赏)-4-
Masterpieces 代表作(二)Botticelli, Sandro: The Birth of Venus
Masterpieces 代表作(三)关注达芬奇——世界上最著名的肖像画《蒙娜丽莎》
Sandro Botticelli 桑德罗.波提切利愤青语录 V
Biography Introduction 生平简介这个MTV里的画,我认不全-帮忙看看?
话题: botticelli话题: medici话题: 代表作话题: were