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Astronomy版 - Getting to Know Comet Borrelly [zz]
Comet Borrelly: Dry and Hot[zz]NGC 2440(英文原文)
More about Ikeya-Zhang vs. Comet 1661'Fine Layer of Dust' Halts CONTOUR Launch Prepara
AstroAlert: AUGUST'S FLYBY OF 2002 NY40[zz]CONTOUR Launched[zz]
Astronomy Picture of Day: Comet Hale-BoppAstronomy Picture of Day: Planetary Nebula
Astronomy Picture of Day: Two cometsAstronomy Picture of Day: Gomez's Hamburger
Did Somebody Lose a Planet? [zz]Astronomy Picture of Day: the Cat's Eye
Galileo’s Parting Shot at Io [zz]Astronomy Picture of Day: Ghost Nebula
Threatening Asteroid Aids Planetary PrognosticatoAstronomy Picture of Day:Webcam catches Mars
话题: borrelly话题: comet话题: space话题: deep话题: know
1 (共1页)
发帖数: 298
At this week's Lunar and Planetary Science Conference, space scientists
presented new insight on Deep Space 1's recent target, Comet Borrelly.
by Vanessa Thomas
On September 22, 2001, NASA's Deep Space 1 probe proved victorious in a daring
adventure when it introduced a comet called Borrelly to the people of Earth.
In a chancy maneuver that day, Deep Space 1 altered our view of Borrelly as a
mysterious, dust-cloaked object to an exciting astrogeology subject.
Designed not as a science mission bu
发帖数: 3
Supplementary information about comet Borrelly flyby by DS1:
Comet Borrelly was discovered at the beginning of last century. It's a Jupiter
family comet with a 6.9 year period about the Sun. It's the second comet
visited by flyby mission with nucleus photographed directly besides Comet
Halley in 1986. You can check out the published pictures of comet nucleus
from http://nmp.jpl.nasa.gov/ds1/images.html. The flyby was performed before
Borrelly passes its perihelion with a flyby velocity of 16 km/
1 (共1页)
Astronomy Picture of Day:Webcam catches MarsAstronomy Picture of Day: Two comets
Astronomy Picture of Day: Celebrating HubbleDid Somebody Lose a Planet? [zz]
How to see planetary detailsGalileo’s Parting Shot at Io [zz]
小行星今年将与地球擦身而过 仅0.85个月球距离Threatening Asteroid Aids Planetary Prognosticato
Comet Borrelly: Dry and Hot[zz]NGC 2440(英文原文)
More about Ikeya-Zhang vs. Comet 1661'Fine Layer of Dust' Halts CONTOUR Launch Prepara
AstroAlert: AUGUST'S FLYBY OF 2002 NY40[zz]CONTOUR Launched[zz]
Astronomy Picture of Day: Comet Hale-BoppAstronomy Picture of Day: Planetary Nebula
话题: borrelly话题: comet话题: space话题: deep话题: know