

本页内容为未名空间相应帖子的节选和存档,一周内的贴子最多显示50字,超过一周显示500字 访问原贴
Astronomy版 - In Search of Star Cities[zz]
Astronomy Picture of Day: M106Two questions
Astronomy Picture of Day: M51: Cosmic Whirlpool包子求助 !!!!吼一声 哪里有甘蔗卖啊
Astronomy Picture of Day: Big Dipper CastleDo Not Eat the Candy Canes!
2007年2月天象Maryland gun applications soar as stricter control law looms
看到木星、金星、土星、太空站、北斗七星和北极星 (转载)Trump Soars in Latest CA, NY, CT, MD, PA Polls
Planet Tally Soars to Near 100[zz]Breaking news: Palm Soars in IPO
2007年2月天象 (转载)请问牛牛们Drys是不是已经不行了?是时候cut了吗?
Astronomy Picture of Day: M106clean energy spending soars
话题: cities话题: star话题: search话题: dogs话题: sky
1 (共1页)
发帖数: 298
By Joe Rao
Special to SPACE.com
posted: 07:00 am ET
17 May 2002
Soaring high in the eastern sky and almost overhead at around midnight right
now are the two stars marking the Hunting Dogs, known as Canes Venatici. In
their vicinity, avid backyard astronomers can find a wealth of interesting
objects to study, from a famous spiral galaxy to a cluster of distant star
Located about a third of the way from the end of the Big Dipper's handle and
below it, these dogs were placed in the sky to a
1 (共1页)
请问牛牛们Drys是不是已经不行了?是时候cut了吗?看到木星、金星、土星、太空站、北斗七星和北极星 (转载)
clean energy spending soarsPlanet Tally Soars to Near 100[zz]
there are some stocks2007年2月天象 (转载)
SYZMAstronomy Picture of Day: M106
Astronomy Picture of Day: M106Two questions
Astronomy Picture of Day: M51: Cosmic Whirlpool包子求助 !!!!吼一声 哪里有甘蔗卖啊
Astronomy Picture of Day: Big Dipper CastleDo Not Eat the Candy Canes!
2007年2月天象Maryland gun applications soar as stricter control law looms
话题: cities话题: star话题: search话题: dogs话题: sky