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Astronomy版 - First 3-D Model of Exploding Stars[zz]
Astronomy Picture of Day: When Small Stars ExplodDarwinian Star Formation Weeds Out Wimps[zz]
Asteroid Buzzes Earth, Highlights Cosmic Blind SpQ&A: David Jewitt Co-Discoverer of Jovian Moon[zz
Search for Deadly Asteroids 'Fruitless'X-ray Astronomy: 40 Years of Seeing the Invisible
Why We Fear Ourselves More than Asteroids(1)Sun Shows Temper Even in Mild Times[zz]
More Asteroids in Main Belt[zz]Possible Planet Birth Detected[zz]
Evidence Found for New Form of Ultra-Dense Matter双子座流星雨背后的秘密
Odd Objects at Solar System's Edge Redefine EccenSOHO通讯中断:它将如何影响日常生活?
美英科学家提出“循环宇宙”模型Moon's Malapert Mountain Ideal for Lunar Lab
话题: exploding话题: model话题: stars话题: first话题: lava
1 (共1页)
发帖数: 298
First 3-D Model of Exploding Stars Reveals 'Lava Lamp' Action
By Robert Roy Britt
Senior Science Writer
posted: 02:20 pm ET
04 June 2002
ALBUQUERQUE, N.M. - Scientists have for the first time created a three-
dimensional computer model of the complex dynamics of an exploding star,
showing that they behave something like a lava lamp when casting bubbles of
superhot material into space.
The result does not supply any new information about these so-called super-
novae. But it is an important breakt
1 (共1页)
Moon's Malapert Mountain Ideal for Lunar LabMore Asteroids in Main Belt[zz]
[转载] 银河系即将进入新纪元(转自正见)Evidence Found for New Form of Ultra-Dense Matter
Mystery Bursts Tied Firmly to Exploding StarsOdd Objects at Solar System's Edge Redefine Eccen
Kepler’s Supernova was a Type Ia美英科学家提出“循环宇宙”模型
Astronomy Picture of Day: When Small Stars ExplodDarwinian Star Formation Weeds Out Wimps[zz]
Asteroid Buzzes Earth, Highlights Cosmic Blind SpQ&A: David Jewitt Co-Discoverer of Jovian Moon[zz
Search for Deadly Asteroids 'Fruitless'X-ray Astronomy: 40 Years of Seeing the Invisible
Why We Fear Ourselves More than Asteroids(1)Sun Shows Temper Even in Mild Times[zz]
话题: exploding话题: model话题: stars话题: first话题: lava