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Astronomy版 - PHOTO OF THE WEEK, Basket Weave Nebula
Astronomy Picture of Day: Planetary NebulaAstronomy Picture of Day: the Cat's Eye
Jack Schmidling的照片Astronomy Picture of Day: Crab Nebula
NGC 2440(英文原文)Astronomy Picture of Day: Cocoon Nebula
蝴蝶状的“派碧隆”(Papillon)星云揭示大质量恒星诞生之谜(英文原文)PHOTO OF THE WEEK, Crown of Diamonds, Veil Nebula
Galactic Graveyard: 1,000 Relics of Dying Stars[zAstronomy Picture of Day: Ghost Nebula
Astronomy Picture of Day: Crab Nebula from VLTAstronomy Picture of Day: Thor's Helmet
[转载] Re: 1054年7月4日Astronomy Picture of Day: M17: Star Factory
Astronomy Picture of Day: Pelican nebula每日一图 巨蟹星雲和土星
话题: nebula话题: week话题: photo话题: weave话题: basket
1 (共1页)
发帖数: 97
Date: Mon, 21 Oct 2002 22:21:20 -0600
From: Jack Schmidling
Newsgroups: alt.binaries.pictures.astro, alt.astronomy, sci.astro,
sci.astro.amateur, sci.astro.ccd-imaging
Subject: PHOTO OF THE WEEK, Basket Weave Nebula
This week we wind up our tour of the Veil nebula with what is probably one
the strangest collections of gas in the Galaxy.
We have also added a new web page which provides the complete tour in one
1 (共1页)
每日一图 巨蟹星雲和土星Galactic Graveyard: 1,000 Relics of Dying Stars[z
Astronomy Picture of Day: Dumbbell NebulaAstronomy Picture of Day: Crab Nebula from VLT
每日一图 面纱星云[转载] Re: 1054年7月4日
Astronomy Picture of Day: Eagle NebulaAstronomy Picture of Day: Pelican nebula
Astronomy Picture of Day: Planetary NebulaAstronomy Picture of Day: the Cat's Eye
Jack Schmidling的照片Astronomy Picture of Day: Crab Nebula
NGC 2440(英文原文)Astronomy Picture of Day: Cocoon Nebula
蝴蝶状的“派碧隆”(Papillon)星云揭示大质量恒星诞生之谜(英文原文)PHOTO OF THE WEEK, Crown of Diamonds, Veil Nebula
话题: nebula话题: week话题: photo话题: weave话题: basket