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Astronomy版 - Nov. 27 Astronomy Picture: Leonids and Leica
Astronomy Picture of Day: 2001 LeonidsAstronomy Picture of Day: Meteors and Aurora
Astronomy Picture of Day: Kitt Peak LeonidAstronomy Picture of Day: Perseid Meteor
Astronomy Picture of Day: Leonid Meteor看狮子座流星雨啦~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
Astronomy Picture of Day: Moon, Lake and Leonids看看去年的狮子座流星雨报告
Astrobiology, uh hu...Leonid Shower from Central Colorado
Astronomy Picture of Day: Leonids Over Indian CovLeonid Shower in Albany, NY
Listen to the LeonidsLeonid over Mono Lake
Astronomy Picture of Day: Leonids and MoonAstronomy Picture of Day: A Pereid Meteor
话题: leonids话题: picture话题: leica话题: nov话题: astronomy
1 (共1页)
发帖数: 1285
Explanation: This lovely view from northern Spain, at Cape Creus on the
easternmost point of the Iberian peninsula, looks out across the Mediteranean
and up into the stream of the 2002 Leonid meteor shower. The picture is a
composite of thirty separate one minute exposures taken through a fisheye
lens near the Leonids' first peak, about 4:00 Universal Time on November 19.
Over 70 leonid meteors are visible here, some seen nearly head on, with
bright Jupiter positioned just to the right of the sh
1 (共1页)
Astronomy Picture of Day: A Pereid MeteorAstrobiology, uh hu...
Astronomy Picture of Day: Island UniverseAstronomy Picture of Day: Leonids Over Indian Cov
Astronomy Picture of Day: MeteorsListen to the Leonids
Astronomy Picture of Day: Perseid AuroraAstronomy Picture of Day: Leonids and Moon
Astronomy Picture of Day: 2001 LeonidsAstronomy Picture of Day: Meteors and Aurora
Astronomy Picture of Day: Kitt Peak LeonidAstronomy Picture of Day: Perseid Meteor
Astronomy Picture of Day: Leonid Meteor看狮子座流星雨啦~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
Astronomy Picture of Day: Moon, Lake and Leonids看看去年的狮子座流星雨报告
话题: leonids话题: picture话题: leica话题: nov话题: astronomy