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Astronomy版 - Astronomy Picture of Day: Egg Nebula
Astronomy Picture of Day: Pelican nebulaAstronomy Picture of Day: Lord of Rings
每日一图 面纱星云Astronomy Picture of Day: Cold Wind from Nebula
Astronomy Picture of Day: Supernova Shock WaveAstronomy Picture of Day: Beautiful Trifid
Astronomy Picture of Day: Cat's Eye Nebula from HubbleAstronomy Picture of Day: Dust and Helix Nebula
Astronomy Picture of Day: Ring GalaxyAstronomy Picture of Day: Planetary Nebula
Astronomy Picture of Day: Seasons of Saturn星座的名称
Astronomy Picture of Day: Sprial Galaxy试观测报告
笔状星云的震波星明天文台独立发现新星V2491 CYGNI
话题: nebula话题: egg话题: picture话题: astronomy话题: day
1 (共1页)
发帖数: 1994
The Egg Nebula in Polarized Light
Credit: Hubble Heritage Team (STScI/AURA), W. Sparks (STScI) & R. Sahai (JPL), NASA
Explanation: Where is the center of the unusual Egg Nebula? Like a baby chick pecking its
way out of an egg, the star in the center of the Egg Nebula is casting away shells of gas and dust
as it slowly transforms itself into a white dwarf star. The Egg Nebula is a rapidly evolving
pre-planetary nebula spanning about one light year toward the constellation of Cygnus. Thick
dust, t
1 (共1页)
星明天文台独立发现新星V2491 CYGNIAstronomy Picture of Day: Ring Galaxy
Astronomy Picture of Day: Hubble's Deep FieldAstronomy Picture of Day: Seasons of Saturn
木星 JupiterAstronomy Picture of Day: Sprial Galaxy
冥王星 Pluto笔状星云的震波
Astronomy Picture of Day: Pelican nebulaAstronomy Picture of Day: Lord of Rings
每日一图 面纱星云Astronomy Picture of Day: Cold Wind from Nebula
Astronomy Picture of Day: Supernova Shock WaveAstronomy Picture of Day: Beautiful Trifid
Astronomy Picture of Day: Cat's Eye Nebula from HubbleAstronomy Picture of Day: Dust and Helix Nebula
话题: nebula话题: egg话题: picture话题: astronomy话题: day