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Astronomy版 - 看看别人的火星观测报告
How about Orion skyview pro 8 EQ?M13
Star Party5月10号天文日印象
DSH10 first show地球在呼叫:盘点人类发给外星人的无线电信息
适于双筒望远镜观测的项目Astronomy Picture of Day: Titan's Haze
较亮的球状星团Comet McNaught photo gallery
我真的准备好买望远镜了么?Measuring Martian Radiation: Good and Bad News[zz
Astronomy Picture of Day: a Tale of 2 NebulaeMars Rover Landing Site Sweet Spots Not So Sweet
话题: mars话题: night话题: ep话题: evenings话题: haze
1 (共1页)
发帖数: 3968
发帖数: 3968
再来一个,4.5 inch EQ
The real target was Mars. It was well up in the south by midnight
local time
(0400 UT) and I was glued to the EP for the next hour. Unlike other
evenings, the atmospheric turbulence was minimal, the image was rock
and even with the 6.7mm EP (135X) the image did not break down. The
SPC was
very prominent, and was bordered by a thin dark gray edge. It appears to
getting smaller on successive evenings - or is that just my
Other dark gray surface features wer

【在 f*r 的大作中提到】
: http://members.aol.com/billferris/mars.html
发帖数: 3968
another one, date is Aug 18
Well, I made it out to catch Mars last night from my driveway in
Cumming. Although the night was only fair, with considerable haze,
Mars still wound up being worth the effort! M57 and M13 are both
gems on a good night, but resulted in a washed out smoke ring and a
pale globular under the conditions of the night. The moon graciously
awaited my viewing, as it slowly rose in a pink-reddish haze on the
eastern horizon.
The polar ice cap on Mars continues to amaze me as to

【在 f*r 的大作中提到】
: 再来一个,4.5 inch EQ
: The real target was Mars. It was well up in the south by midnight
: local time
: (0400 UT) and I was glued to the EP for the next hour. Unlike other
: evenings, the atmospheric turbulence was minimal, the image was rock
: steady,
: and even with the 6.7mm EP (135X) the image did not break down. The
: SPC was
: very prominent, and was bordered by a thin dark gray edge. It appears to
: be

1 (共1页)
Mars Rover Landing Site Sweet Spots Not So Sweet适于双筒望远镜观测的项目
Mars RATs[zz]较亮的球状星团
Mars's Underground Reservoir[zz]我真的准备好买望远镜了么?
Astronomy Picture of Day: Ancient Volcanos of MarAstronomy Picture of Day: a Tale of 2 Nebulae
How about Orion skyview pro 8 EQ?M13
Star Party5月10号天文日印象
DSH10 first show地球在呼叫:盘点人类发给外星人的无线电信息
话题: mars话题: night话题: ep话题: evenings话题: haze