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Astronomy版 - Astronomy Picture of Day: Northern Milky Way
Astronomy Picture of Day: Winter HexagonAstronomy Picture of Day:Milky Way Near the Southern Cross
Astronomy Picture of Day: Aurora Over Cape Cod每日一图 面纱星云
Astronomy Picture of Day: the Closest StarAstronomy Picture of Day: Eclipse in the Mist
Astronomy Picture of Day: the Milky WayRe: 找地方看星星
Astronomy Picture of Day: Island Universe全天21颗亮星表
Astronomy Picture of Day: the Milky wayAstronomy Picture of Day: Southern Cross in Mauna
Astronomy Picture of Day: Our GalaxyBird's Eye View and Other Fresh Insights(1) [zz]
Astronomy Picture of Day: the Milky Way over UtahBird's Eye View and Other Fresh Insights (2)
话题: way话题: milky话题: northern话题: galaxy话题: day
1 (共1页)
发帖数: 1994
The Northern Milky Way
Credit & Copyright: Jerry Lodriguss (Astropix.com)
Explanation: Many of the stars in our home Milky Way Galaxy appear together as a dim
band on the sky that passes nearly over the Earth's north and south poles. Pictured above is
the part of our Galaxy that passes closest over the north pole. Placing your cursor over the
image will bring up the names of several constellations and bright stars. The diffuse white
Galaxy glow is created by billions of stars, whil
1 (共1页)
Bird's Eye View and Other Fresh Insights (2)Astronomy Picture of Day: Island Universe
Galactic Merger[zz]Astronomy Picture of Day: the Milky way
The Milky Way Eats One of Its Own [zz]Astronomy Picture of Day: Our Galaxy
Omega Centauri's Checkered Past[zz]Astronomy Picture of Day: the Milky Way over Utah
Astronomy Picture of Day: Winter HexagonAstronomy Picture of Day:Milky Way Near the Southern Cross
Astronomy Picture of Day: Aurora Over Cape Cod每日一图 面纱星云
Astronomy Picture of Day: the Closest StarAstronomy Picture of Day: Eclipse in the Mist
Astronomy Picture of Day: the Milky WayRe: 找地方看星星
话题: way话题: milky话题: northern话题: galaxy话题: day