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Astronomy版 - Astronomy Picture of Day: Comet Bradfield
Kamikaze彗星冲入太阳(英文原文)Astronomy Picture of Day: Solar Prominence
New Comet: SOHO-422Comet C/2002 X5
Astronomy Picture of Day: Two cometsMore about Ikeya-Zhang vs. Comet 1661
Astronomy Picture of Day: Neat and Erupting SunAstronomy Picture of Day: Comet Hale-Bopp
Astronomy Picture of Day: a Powerful Solar Flare哈勃发现前所未有的激波
Astronomy Picture of Day: Children of the SunAstronomy Picture of Day: Ring Galaxy
每日一图 Comet Kudo-Fujikawa: Days in the SunAstronomy Picture of Day: X-ray Moon
太阳旁的神秘气体每日一图 星系團Abell 1689附近的扭曲空間
话题: comet话题: bradfield话题: sun话题: soho话题: picture
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发帖数: 1994
Comet Bradfield Passes the Sun
Credit: SOHO Consortium, LASCO, ESA, NASA SOHO
Explanation: Right now, Comet Bradfield is passing the Sun. The above image, the latest taken in the direction of the Sun by the SOHO LASCO instrument, shows the comet and its dust tail as the elongated white streak. The Sun would normally be seen in
the very center but has been blocked from view. Comet C/2004 F4 (Bradfield) was discovered just one month ago and has brightened dramatically as it neared the Sun. Careful
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每日一图 星系團Abell 1689附近的扭曲空間Astronomy Picture of Day: a Powerful Solar Flare
Astronomy Picture of Day: Abell 1689Astronomy Picture of Day: Children of the Sun
Astronomy Picture of Day: Cold Wind from Nebula每日一图 Comet Kudo-Fujikawa: Days in the Sun
Astronomy Picture of Day: Light Echoes from V838太阳旁的神秘气体
Kamikaze彗星冲入太阳(英文原文)Astronomy Picture of Day: Solar Prominence
New Comet: SOHO-422Comet C/2002 X5
Astronomy Picture of Day: Two cometsMore about Ikeya-Zhang vs. Comet 1661
Astronomy Picture of Day: Neat and Erupting SunAstronomy Picture of Day: Comet Hale-Bopp
话题: comet话题: bradfield话题: sun话题: soho话题: picture