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Personal Factors That Affect Insurance Rates
Your Age, Car and Credit Rating Matter
Published: 07/05/2011 - by Carroll Lachnit, Features Editor
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Teen Driver
Teen Driver
Outside Sales Person
Angry Driver
Age is a factor in setting insurance rates. Teens pay more because,
statistically speaking, they have more accidents than adults.
A reporter recently asked Edmunds about the kinds of personal information
that can affect the cost of car insurance. She also wanted to know whether
people could do anything to address personal factors that were keeping their
car insurance rates high.
They're good questions, and Edmunds was happy to help answer them. During
the research it became clear that when it comes to car insurance, there's
hardly anything that isn't personal. Here are five all-about-you factors
that can affect your car insurance premium:
1) Your driving profile. Such factors as the number of miles you drive
annually and your accident and ticket history are major elements in setting
your insurance rate. The less you drive, the less risk of an accident and a
claim. Safer driving — meaning a history free of accidents and moving
violations — also points to someone who's less likely to file a claim.
2) The car you drive. Car insurance premiums are based in part on the car's
sticker price, the cost to repair it, its overall safety record and the
likelihood of theft, according to the Insurance Information Institute. The
cost of fixing a brand-new $225,000 2010 Ferrari 458 Italia is going to be a
lot more than the repair costs for a used $17,000 Nissan Altima. The
premium will reflect this.
3) Your essential personal information, including your age, occupation and
where you live. Each of these things factors into the process of setting
your insurance rate because insurance companies base their premiums on
actuarial information about drivers. They look for patterns of claims
activity among people like you. A teenage boy is likely to have a higher
insurance rate than a middle-aged driver, because statistically, teenage
boys have more accidents than do 40-year-olds.
Your occupation can play a role if it affects how much driving you do. Work
that involves lots of miles on the road, such as an outside sales job, can
affect rates. From the insurance company's point of view, the more miles you
drive means more risk of an accident.
Insurance companies also look at where you live. They track local trends of
accidents, car thefts, lawsuits and the cost of medical care and car repair,
according to the Insurance Information Institute.
4) The coverage you choose. The more coverage you elect and the lower the
deductible you set, the more you'll pay.
5) Your credit score. Some insurance companies use credit scores as a factor
in setting rates. This practice is coming under attack, however, with seven
states in 2010 passing regulations regarding the use of credit information
in insurance. In 2011, several other state legislatures introduced bills to
regulate the practice.
Actuarial studies show that how a person manages his or her financial
affairs is an accurate predictor of the number and size of insurance claims
he or she might file, according to the Insurance Information Institute.
If you want to lower your insurance costs, you can't change your age, or
easily change your job or hometown. But there are some personal changes you
can make:
1) Consider pay-as-you-drive insurance. It's a paradox, but the more
personal you get, the better your rates might be. Pay-as-you-drive programs
offer better rates because they're tailored to how you personally drive —
as opposed to the people who are similar to you in terms of age or other
unchangeable factors.
This means that a teenager who is an excellent driver — who doesn't speed,
doesn't drive at night and doesn't drive many miles — can get a better rate
than the average teenager, whose actuarial profile pegs him as a greater
risk, based on the accident history for people his age.
Pay-as-you-drive plans have different configurations, depending on the
insurance company and state. Some require that you install a telematics
device that transmits information about your actual driving (such as speed,
mileage and braking patterns) to the insurance company. Others, such as
plans permitted in California, only are based on the number of miles you
drive, not how you drive.
2) Be a calmer, more careful driver. If you've had speeding tickets in the
past, resolve to change from being a speedy, aggressive driver to a calm one
. A side benefit is that you'll save money on gasoline. Edmunds testing has
also shown that a calm driving style gets you 35 percent better fuel economy.
3) Choose a car with a lower cost of ownership. Edmunds has a True Cost to
Own ® (TCO) tool that lets you size up cars when you're shopping. It
takes into account eight components — depreciation, interest on financing,
taxes and fees, insurance premiums, fuel, maintenance, repairs and any
federal tax credit that may be available — and tells you what your cost
would be over five years. It's a way to get a preview of what your insurance
premiums might be. Also, talk to your insurance company when you're car
shopping to get a quote on how your choice will affect your insurance. If
you wait until the deal is done, you've lost a chance to manage your costs.
4) Change your coverage. Don't go for every bell and whistle in an auto
insurance policy. If you're willing to pay a slightly higher deductible, you
can wind up saving big on your rates. Going from a $250 to a $1,000
deductible could save you 25-40 percent on your policy. Set aside a portion
of these funds to cover your costs in the event of a claim.
If you have an older car with comprehensive and collision coverage, you
might find yourself paying more in insurance than the car is worth. One tip:
Take your comprehensive and collision premiums and add those up. Multiply
by 10. If your car is worth less than that amount, don't buy the coverage.
If you're worried about being left overexposed, consider this: The typical
policyholder makes a claim only once every 11 years, and reports a total
loss only once every 50 years.
5) Explore discounts for which you might be qualified. The options available
include discounts for low-mileage drivers, for seniors and for cars with
anti-theft devices and certain safety devices. It's a lengthy list — just
ask your insurer about any discounts, and go from there.
6) Clean up your credit. Keep it in good shape by paying bills on time and
by regularly checking that there are no items on your history that do not
belong to you. You can get free annual credit report checks here.
Is there personal information that doesn't matter? Gender, one expert told
us. Insurance companies don't care if you're female or male as long as you'
re a safe driver. And it's a myth that red cars have higher insurance rates
than those sporting more sedate shades, according to the Insurance
Information Institute. Ultimately, insurance companies care about how likely
it is that a particular driver would end up making or causing a pricey
claim against them. Green is the only color that matters.
1 (共1页)
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