g****9 发帖数: 163 | 1 我最近在卖自己的二手车,post到craiglist上,然后有个人就回复我了。说他是
marine engineer,不方便什么的。我以前听说过有人用支票付,然后是空头支票,所以
本来想让用cash的。这个paypal会不会发生这样的悲剧呢? 下面我把那个人回我的邮
Hi there,
Thank you for getting back to me.Can you assure me that is in good
state and that i will not be disappointed with it?I'm ready to pay
your asking price and to be honest, i want to buy this for my brother
as his gift. I am a marine engineer that works on the sea at the
moment. phone calls making and visiting of website are restricted but
i squeezed out time to check this advert and send you an email
regarding it so my only quickest payment option is PayPal as i can
send money via PayPal anytime.Since I'm requesting this transaction to
be done via PayPal, i will be responsible for all the pay pal
fee/charges on this transaction and if you don't have an account with
paypal, it is pretty easy, safe and secured to open one. Just log on
to www.paypal.com. I hope we can make the purchase as fast as
possible? I have a mover that will come for it once payment clears . i
will like to see more pics i look forward to hear back from you soon.
Below are the details needed
Your PayPal e-Mail Address :
Full name:
Firm Price:
Cell Phone number | i****x 发帖数: 17565 | 2 100%骗局
卖旧车只接受两种付款:现金当场存进银行账号,和certified check。 | b********6 发帖数: 35437 | | i****x 发帖数: 17565 | 4 这么多人不认识骗局。。。最简单的鉴别方法,凡是来信超过三句话的都是骗局。正常
人谁有功夫解释那半天。。。 | i****x 发帖数: 17565 | | l**********i 发帖数: 11748 | 6 又臭又长
3.当场去银行或者其它什么地方开money order之类的 | g****9 发帖数: 163 | | d*****e 发帖数: 2489 | | M*4 发帖数: 2937 | 9 just ignore it, do not respond at all.
【在 g****9 的大作中提到】 : 多谢各位的回复呢。 晓得怎么回复他了
| j**k 发帖数: 2052 | |