k****a 发帖数: 4944 | 1 DEALER来信说帮我预约了,要做什么呀?
谢谢! |
Y****a 发帖数: 17170 | 2
可以到任何subaru dealer做。 当然自己换也行。
【在 k****a 的大作中提到】 : DEALER来信说帮我预约了,要做什么呀? : 需要吗? : 可以到就近的DEALER做吗? : 谢谢!
e**n 发帖数: 5876 | 3 建议不要早换机油, 按手册上说的里程就好. 两个原因:
1. 原厂油有针对breakin的特殊成分.
"Why should I wait to change the oil the first time?
Your Honda engine was delivered with an oil that is specially formulated for
new engines that have not yet developed their "natural" wear patterns and
may contain minute particles from the manufacturing process.
American Honda strongly recommends this special oil be left in the engine
long enough for these wear patterns to develop, usually until the first
maintenance interval specified in your Owner's Manual, based on your
specific driving conditions."
2. 新油在短期内会加剧engine磨损, 因为新油的detergent非常强, 反而把金属上面附
总之, 按着厂家的建议走, 不要自作聪明 |
Y****a 发帖数: 17170 | 4
是吗? subaru好像没有提到这个事情。 有意思。
【在 e**n 的大作中提到】 : 建议不要早换机油, 按手册上说的里程就好. 两个原因: : 1. 原厂油有针对breakin的特殊成分. : 比如honda官网特地强调千万不要提前换油 : http://m.owners.honda.com/faqs/motor-oil : "Why should I wait to change the oil the first time? : Your Honda engine was delivered with an oil that is specially formulated for : new engines that have not yet developed their "natural" wear patterns and : may contain minute particles from the manufacturing process. : American Honda strongly recommends this special oil be left in the engine : long enough for these wear patterns to develop, usually until the first
s*****e 发帖数: 115 | 5 My dealer made an appointment for me for the first oil change in 6 months
when I got my forester.
【在 k****a 的大作中提到】 : DEALER来信说帮我预约了,要做什么呀? : 需要吗? : 可以到就近的DEALER做吗? : 谢谢!
r*****j 发帖数: 7481 | 6 我的dealer是在第三个月的时候给我做一次free inspection。 |
f****o 发帖数: 4067 | 7 每个牌子车不一样,以官方说明书为准。 没有症状的情况下dealer推荐的附加service
都是P |
y*m 发帖数: 1401 | 8 这个好像要因情况而异,我的10年的accord V6买了3个月,发现机油少了,所以不到
【在 e**n 的大作中提到】 : 建议不要早换机油, 按手册上说的里程就好. 两个原因: : 1. 原厂油有针对breakin的特殊成分. : 比如honda官网特地强调千万不要提前换油 : http://m.owners.honda.com/faqs/motor-oil : "Why should I wait to change the oil the first time? : Your Honda engine was delivered with an oil that is specially formulated for : new engines that have not yet developed their "natural" wear patterns and : may contain minute particles from the manufacturing process. : American Honda strongly recommends this special oil be left in the engine : long enough for these wear patterns to develop, usually until the first
r*****j 发帖数: 7481 | 9 烧油不烧油也要看你break in好不好吧?
我拿到车第一个星期,就开了差不多快1000 miles了。
还是要谢谢湾区的路啊,跑高速,爬坡都有。 |
b******s 发帖数: 5329 | 10 一般车在Lot放着也是轮流开出去被试车的,所以不用太担心停多久没发动的问题。 |