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Automobile版 - 尴尬了 悍马ev还是比一般油车更不环保
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发帖数: 4489
更不环保的车还能拿tax credit 就因为是电车?
这不就好比成绩不好 只要是黑人就可以拿奖学金?
The return of the beastly Hummer in an all-electric form has proven
incredibly hype-provoking, with early vehicles re-selling for double or even
triple retail price. GMC’s Hummer EV isn’t actually all that friendly to
the environment, though, according to research by the nonprofit organization
American Council for an Energy-Efficient Economy (ACEEE). In fact, the
Hummer EV ends up producing more carbon dioxide per mile driven than some
gas-powered vehicles, despite not filling up at the gas pump itself.
The gas-guzzling Chevy Malibu, for example, produces about 320 grams of
carbon dioxide per mile driven. The new Hummer EV, which weighs in at just
over 9,000 pounds, emits approximately 341 grams of CO2 per mile driven,
based on average U.S. power grid consumption. A combination of general
inefficiency and vehicle size essentially renders GMC’s Hummer worse for
climate change than your typical sedan
Though electric vehicles need not stop by the gas station to refuel, they do
still rely somewhat on fossil fuels. This is mostly the fault of the power
grid; somewhere around 60 percent of all electricity in the U.S. is created
through the burning of fossil fuels. It’s the same reason other electricity
-heavy appliances, like air conditioning units, contribute to climate change.
Even taking this CO2 into consideration, the majority of all-electric
vehicles are significantly less damaging to the environment than gas-powered
vehicles. The ACEEE cites Chevy’s Bolt as an example here; it emits
approximately 92 grams of CO2 per mile driven, less than one-third of the
emissions created by driving a gas-powered Chevy Malibu.
One of the biggest issues facing the Hummer EV is the classic Hummer problem
around 5,000 pounds, the Hummer comes in at nearly double that. GMC’s
Hummer has a battery that weighs more than a Honda Civic. That takes a ton
of juice to charge — and, in turn, it’s leaving behind a significant trail
of CO2
The ACEEE is putting this research out there in the hopes that regulators
will re-evaluate how, exactly, they weigh the benefits of new EVs. Vehicle
efficiency must be considered in programs like those that provide federal
tax credit for electric vehicle purchases.
We’ve grown used to marketing gas-powered vehicles by their efficiency, so
why not do the same for electric vehicles? The Hummer EV’s relatively harsh
environmental impact is a reminder that not all EVs are doing as much good
for the planet as we’re led to believe.
To be fair, the Hummer EV uses less than half the CO2 of a traditional
Hummer. Maybe the lesson here is that the planet would be better off without
any Hummers at all.
发帖数: 8453
发帖数: 4489
都是装四个人 摩托车只能装一人啊

【在 f*********e 的大作中提到】
: 轿车和皮卡比?咋不拿摩托出来比呢?
发帖数: 5

【在 f*****h 的大作中提到】
: 都是装四个人 摩托车只能装一人啊
发帖数: 8453

【在 f*****h 的大作中提到】
: 都是装四个人 摩托车只能装一人啊
发帖数: 4489
开小车的换很多大车 开大车的也很多换小车的
开四个轮子的车 换摩托车可不多见

【在 f*********e 的大作中提到】
: 你真行。能说服自己就好。
1 (共1页)