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Banquet版 - [转载] Ten things they won’t miss in Roma
[转载] Ten best things about Roma---from my boss's email汽车保养维护友情提醒--终身受益
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话题: ten话题: roma话题: miss话题: things话题: won
1 (共1页)
发帖数: 731
【 以下文字转载自 OnTheRoad 讨论区 】
【 原文由 ryf 所发表 】
1. Traffic: It can take longer to go shorter than anyplace we know.
2. Drivers with attitude: It gets a bit old being accelerated at in
every crosswalk.
3. Trash: If the Romans were as profligate, Everest would be second
4. Bureaucracy: Forms to fill out for everything, and the rules
change before your eyes.
5. The Post Office: long lines, no help, not even a rate sheet.
6. The phones: Two different phone ca
1 (共1页)
[求购]hp p1006 printer $130 anyplace lable readyEuro Pain Could Blow Back on Big U.S. Banks ZZ
[求购] HP dv6-3010us $510 anyplaceSalt Lake Olympics were Romney's golden moment
[labelready 求购]anyplace Xbox with kinect @ $240Rubio 赞成关清真寺。老妖婆要大批引进穆斯林
[labelready 求购]anyplace Xbox with kinect @$240awesome!The Next Airline Fee: Buying Tickets?
[转载] Ten best things about Roma---from my boss's email汽车保养维护友情提醒--终身受益
Bureaucracy[求购]HP P2035 @ 153 anyplace + ML
纽约时报:China’s Obsolete Economic Strategy[求购]hp p1006 printer $130 anyplace lable ready
民主党州长为人民发声[labelready 求购]anyplace Xbox with kinect @$240
话题: ten话题: roma话题: miss话题: things话题: won