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Baseball版 - Free Agent SS Derek Jeter turns down a 3 year $63 million deal
竞猜:Derek Jeter的新合约Ichiro reaches first base faster than Derek Jeter
我总结一下Offbase: the Derek jeter movie
jeter to marry?Derek Jeter这个女朋友
鸡队长想要五年六年合同?我是看不懂Yankees 这个trade
吉队长到处被honoredI already had my derek
Derek Jeter walkoff to end last game at Yankee StadiumBaseball Players in TV shows
Athlete Dating Resumes: Derek Jetercongrats to jeter
话题: jeter话题: yankees话题: he话题: derek话题: him
1 (共1页)
发帖数: 2356
The New York Yankees created this monster called Derek Jeter(notes). Though
he is one of the top shortstops of the era, he always has exuded intangible
qualities the Yankees love to heap on their best players.
Well, they did double and triple heaps with Jeter.
Yahoo! Sports' own Jeff Passan just wrote about this, his "Jeterness," and
how the Yankees will pony up for their thoroughbred in his first experience
as a free agent.
Only now, the Yankees are complaining because Jeter didn't take their first
ESPN New York's Wallace Matthews has a source "with ties to both the team
and the player" who says at least one person in the Yankees' front office
wants to play hardball with the Captain after he turned down $63 million
over three years:
"Tell him the deal is three years at $15 million a year, take it or leave it
," the person taking the hard-line approach said. "Wait him out and he'll
wind up taking it. Where's he gonna go, Cincinnati?"
Hilarious! Sounds like Hank Steinbrenner (whom the Yankees don't really let
talk on the record anymore), though the next person quoted in Matthews'
story was team president Randy Levine.
He was little more equivocal.
"Derek Jeter is a great Yankee and he's a great player," [Levine] said. "
With that said and done, now is a different negotiation than 10 years ago."
Oh, I see. The Yankees cultivate Jeter's image — hand him a generous $189
million contract 10 years ago; name him captain in 2003; let him keep his
position and make Alex Rodriguez(notes) switch to third base in '04 despite
being the superior defensive shortstop; then tear up A-Rod's contract to
give him more money — and they get all chilly when Jeter comes back to the
pay window?
When did Derek Jeter turn into Hideki Matsui(notes)?
Jeter made $22.6 million in 2010 and apparently wants at least a four-year
deal near that rate. That would take him to 40 years old, with declining
range and nowhere to go on the infield. But what's A-Rod gonna do? Go back
to short?
Whatever, it's not my money or roster.
But the Yankees make me laugh; They created the Jeter legend, putting him in
a class with Babe Ruth and Mickey Mantle and Joe DiMaggio, et al. Yeah,
Hank Steinbrenner the anonymous source is right in a sense; Would a team
like the Reds be able, or even interested, in paying Jeter $21 million?
Probably not (although, as our illustration points out, he would get to wear
No. 2 in Cincy).
This might mean a leverage problem for the average superstar on the free-
agent market. But we're not talking about your average superstar. This is
the legendary Derek Jeter, Yankees captain. What, you think he won a Gold
Glove for his defense?
Reputations cost money. And the Yankees will pay.
发帖数: 416
发帖数: 39524
+1. beyond a certain point, it becomes just a number.

【在 o******s 的大作中提到】
: 都是浮云
发帖数: 2356
离开YANKEE,除了RED SOX, 很可能$15M/yr 也没人愿意给他.
发帖数: 18880

【在 m*z 的大作中提到】
: 离开YANKEE,除了RED SOX, 很可能$15M/yr 也没人愿意给他.
发帖数: 27573

【在 m*z 的大作中提到】
: 离开YANKEE,除了RED SOX, 很可能$15M/yr 也没人愿意给他.
发帖数: 590

【在 t*a 的大作中提到】
: 不管多少钱,如果J去了Rsox还是一个很有趣的事情:P
发帖数: 27573

【在 w*********y 的大作中提到】
: 如果鸡队愿去,袜子一定会签
: 当然这种假设是不可能变成现实的

发帖数: 13310
15M/yr? He's not worth more than 8M/yr outside NYC. He's hit .270
and 10HR for a full-season IN HIS CONTRACT YEAR.That's Ian Desmond
like, and he's 10+ years older than Ian Desmond. Or can he switch
to left field or 3B for any team with that kind of offensive
productivity? Maybe he can DH for Mariners.
And his female fans are now mostly middle-age moms. Except for
the Yank captain title, who gives him a damn.

【在 m*z 的大作中提到】
: 离开YANKEE,除了RED SOX, 很可能$15M/yr 也没人愿意给他.
发帖数: 2821
bloodily true!
However I hope Yankees can offer a 4-5 years contract to their holy captain, and lock him up for lifetime. They will have a bunch of old guys and large contracts.

【在 A**d 的大作中提到】
: 15M/yr? He's not worth more than 8M/yr outside NYC. He's hit .270
: and 10HR for a full-season IN HIS CONTRACT YEAR.That's Ian Desmond
: like, and he's 10+ years older than Ian Desmond. Or can he switch
: to left field or 3B for any team with that kind of offensive
: productivity? Maybe he can DH for Mariners.
: And his female fans are now mostly middle-age moms. Except for
: the Yank captain title, who gives him a damn.

Derek Jeter walkoff to end last game at Yankee StadiumIchiro reaches first base faster than Derek Jeter
补充完gardenia的这个故事Offbase: the Derek jeter movie
Athlete Dating Resumes: Derek JeterDerek Jeter这个女朋友
发帖数: 39524
i would start hating him if i were a yankee fan. he knows what he is worth
in a fair market, yet he is holding the front office hostage with his
发帖数: 31
Baseball is a business to win games and make money. As a yankee fan, I would
be happy to see BoSox to sign him with the money Jeter wants.
I hope that yankees can sign him at a reasonable salary and years. The team
doesn't own anything to Jeter. He made $189 million in last 10 years.
发帖数: 2356
RED SOX最多只会给$45M/3yr. 别的队只会给$30/3yr 或 $25M/2yr.


【在 I****8 的大作中提到】
: Baseball is a business to win games and make money. As a yankee fan, I would
: be happy to see BoSox to sign him with the money Jeter wants.
: I hope that yankees can sign him at a reasonable salary and years. The team
: doesn't own anything to Jeter. He made $189 million in last 10 years.

发帖数: 5101
it is all business, tough tall or whatnot, he has nowhere to go, it is just
a process.

【在 m*z 的大作中提到】
: RED SOX最多只会给$45M/3yr. 别的队只会给$30/3yr 或 $25M/2yr.
: would
: team

发帖数: 465
假消息? 今天mlb.com 説:
NEW YORK -- The slow-moving process of securing Derek Jeter's signature on a
new Yankees contract has reached the next step, as the team is preparing to
deliver its first offer to the shortstop's camp.


【在 m*z 的大作中提到】
: The New York Yankees created this monster called Derek Jeter(notes). Though
: he is one of the top shortstops of the era, he always has exuded intangible
: qualities the Yankees love to heap on their best players.
: Well, they did double and triple heaps with Jeter.
: Yahoo! Sports' own Jeff Passan just wrote about this, his "Jeterness," and
: how the Yankees will pony up for their thoroughbred in his first experience
: as a free agent.
: Only now, the Yankees are complaining because Jeter didn't take their first
: offer.
: ESPN New York's Wallace Matthews has a source "with ties to both the team

发帖数: 5415
发帖数: 2548

【在 t********t 的大作中提到】
: 3Y/63M?之前不是3Y/45M,后来涨到3Y/50M左右吗?
1 (共1页)
congrats to jeter吉队长到处被honored
在线等。。。着急问两个棒球运动员的名字:Derek JeterDerek Jeter walkoff to end last game at Yankee Stadium
Derek Jeter is so classy补充完gardenia的这个故事
才发现jeter 有个妹妹。Athlete Dating Resumes: Derek Jeter
竞猜:Derek Jeter的新合约Ichiro reaches first base faster than Derek Jeter
我总结一下Offbase: the Derek jeter movie
jeter to marry?Derek Jeter这个女朋友
鸡队长想要五年六年合同?我是看不懂Yankees 这个trade
话题: jeter话题: yankees话题: he话题: derek话题: him