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Basketball版 - 奥当当回LA啦,伤心地啊。。
MJ得分巅峰的86-87和87-88两个赛季的一些录像this is Odom, the man.
next year who would rule NBALamar Odom 要结婚了
球隊報導:[2003 開季分析] 洛杉磯快艇季前分析Lamar Odom这个赛季低迷的本质原因
Payton wants outodom快3双了
Phil Jackson还是挺牛的ZZ奥多姆称湖人取胜只因科比缺阵:我们更像是个团队
话题: jazz话题: clippers话题: houston话题: williams话题: jun
1 (共1页)
发帖数: 12253
Odom dealt to Clippers as Mo Williams goes to Jazz
Posted Jun 29 2012 7:36PM - Updated Jun 29 2012 10:18PM
SALT LAKE CITY (AP) -- Mo Williams will be reunited with the Utah Jazz as
part of a four-team deal that will send Lamar Odom back to Los Angeles for a
second chance with the Clippers.
William's agent, Mark Bartelstein, initially told The Associated Press the
deal was finalized about 3:45 p.m. MDT Friday, and the Jazz and Clippers
officially announced it in releases three hours later.
The deal initially was believed to involve only three teams, but a fourth,
the Houston Rockets, got involved after Thursday's draft. The Rockets
received the rights to the Clippers' 53rd overall pick, Furkan Aldemir, and
the Jazz sent the team's trade exception to Dallas. The Mavs also received
cash considerations from Houston.
发帖数: 36508


【在 m*****g 的大作中提到】
: Odom dealt to Clippers as Mo Williams goes to Jazz
: Posted Jun 29 2012 7:36PM - Updated Jun 29 2012 10:18PM
: SALT LAKE CITY (AP) -- Mo Williams will be reunited with the Utah Jazz as
: part of a four-team deal that will send Lamar Odom back to Los Angeles for a
: second chance with the Clippers.
: William's agent, Mark Bartelstein, initially told The Associated Press the
: deal was finalized about 3:45 p.m. MDT Friday, and the Jazz and Clippers
: officially announced it in releases three hours later.
: The deal initially was believed to involve only three teams, but a fourth,
: the Houston Rockets, got involved after Thursday's draft. The Rockets

发帖数: 707


【在 m*****g 的大作中提到】
: Odom dealt to Clippers as Mo Williams goes to Jazz
: Posted Jun 29 2012 7:36PM - Updated Jun 29 2012 10:18PM
: SALT LAKE CITY (AP) -- Mo Williams will be reunited with the Utah Jazz as
: part of a four-team deal that will send Lamar Odom back to Los Angeles for a
: second chance with the Clippers.
: William's agent, Mark Bartelstein, initially told The Associated Press the
: deal was finalized about 3:45 p.m. MDT Friday, and the Jazz and Clippers
: officially announced it in releases three hours later.
: The deal initially was believed to involve only three teams, but a fourth,
: the Houston Rockets, got involved after Thursday's draft. The Rockets

发帖数: 4659
The show continues.


【在 m*****g 的大作中提到】
: Odom dealt to Clippers as Mo Williams goes to Jazz
: Posted Jun 29 2012 7:36PM - Updated Jun 29 2012 10:18PM
: SALT LAKE CITY (AP) -- Mo Williams will be reunited with the Utah Jazz as
: part of a four-team deal that will send Lamar Odom back to Los Angeles for a
: second chance with the Clippers.
: William's agent, Mark Bartelstein, initially told The Associated Press the
: deal was finalized about 3:45 p.m. MDT Friday, and the Jazz and Clippers
: officially announced it in releases three hours later.
: The deal initially was believed to involve only three teams, but a fourth,
: the Houston Rockets, got involved after Thursday's draft. The Rockets

1 (共1页)
小厮没救了,竟然说Odom只是运气球。Payton wants out
奥多母给他900万确实比较合适Phil Jackson还是挺牛的
MJ得分巅峰的86-87和87-88两个赛季的一些录像this is Odom, the man.
next year who would rule NBALamar Odom 要结婚了
球隊報導:[2003 開季分析] 洛杉磯快艇季前分析Lamar Odom这个赛季低迷的本质原因
话题: jazz话题: clippers话题: houston话题: williams话题: jun