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Basketball版 - Is this true?
ZZ[lakersground] Deron calls out Barkley for bashing Kobe【breaking news】主席动手术了
这球是丹佛被黑了Yao will play next season (转载)
刚才TNT放Shaq和Barkley以前打架的录像Yao Ming hopes to stay with Rockets
马龙和巴克利谁强?Report: Rockets' Yao Ming will retire
输在传球Lin on Yao Ming: 'He's a big brother to me'
Yao Ming stays in contract小林子要去中国开训练营
Yao Ming out at least 2 more weeksTrade LIN + DOGU to anywhere please.
话题: said话题: kenny话题: true话题: ming话题: magic
1 (共1页)
发帖数: 300
on wednesday's broadcast
(from ESPN board)
No what was said "Ming is the best player on the Rockets squad".(Kenny Smith
Barkley-- said,"Kenny you must have hit your head.
Yes that was what happened on Wednesday when Kenny said that the Rockets nee
d to understand that Yao Ming is their best player.
Yesterday Magic did say that the two guards need to pass the ball to the big
fellow. Even Barkley said 0 for one was no good. He said at least let him t
ry 0 for 5. Magic said even if it had to be
1 (共1页)
Trade LIN + DOGU to anywhere please.输在传球
Please share me a link for Magic VS Rockets Thanks a lotYao Ming stays in contract
good luck MacYao Ming out at least 2 more weeks
ZZ[lakersground] Deron calls out Barkley for bashing Kobe【breaking news】主席动手术了
这球是丹佛被黑了Yao will play next season (转载)
刚才TNT放Shaq和Barkley以前打架的录像Yao Ming hopes to stay with Rockets
马龙和巴克利谁强?Report: Rockets' Yao Ming will retire
话题: said话题: kenny话题: true话题: ming话题: magic