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鬼子把中国女人骂惨了 (转载)焦虑之强迫症-abnormal psychology 12
话题: gideon话题: eva话题: he话题: her话题: what
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funny review
83 of 88 people found the following review helpful
Hope men don't read this and think that this kind of behaviour is what
women want, May 23, 2012
By SetaAmazon Verified Purchase(What's this?)
This review is from: Bared to You: A Crossfire Novel (Kindle Edition)
What I liked:
GOOD WRITING: I've read Sylvia Day in the past, and her writing flows. There
are no annoying typos, actually I found one, but the novel is not typo-
ridden, which seems to be a common thing with Kindle books. There was some
repetition but the author's vocabulary is wide enough that you don't feel
like you're reading the same thing over and over again.
FAST-PACED PLOT: The story moved along nicely. Something was always
happening to move the story forward, but wasn't always sure which direction
the story was heading in.
SETTING: Lots of modern references and brands mentioned, but not overdone.
There's no doubt that we are in the high-flying world of upper class New
What I didn't like:
CHARACTERS: Everyone in this book is too perfect, at least on the outside.
Can't remember how many times Gideon was referred to as the hottest, sexiest
, fittest, most eligible, gorgeous [insert Adonis quality here] man in the
city. And the heroine was physically attractive too, as was her roommate,
and her gym instructor, her mother, the receptionist etc etc. It was a pity
that everyone was model material and there were no ugly Smeagols anywhere,
not even as interesting side characters.
SEX SCENES: It's hot, until it's not. There have got to be at least 20 sex
scenes in the novel, double the number of orgasms, triple the number of
references to Gideon's constant erections (was he on Viagra?) and an untold
number of times that the characters moan each other's names. It gets a bit
old. I began skipping the sex scenes, which became banal and to be honest, a
bit of a turn OFF. Sometimes less really is more.
EMOTION: Or lack thereof. Gideon isn't subtle at all. He's like a two-year
old who wants something and won't stop pouting until he gets it. He has a
lot of pretty words and flashy gestures of love, but as he himself put it,
romance isn't in his repertoire. If you're looking for a love story, Bared
to You is not that. You won't find characters that come to the realisation
of their feelings for each other through some intense emotional conflict.
What you will find are two horny good-looking people intent on banging each
other senseless who somehow, from the get go, have an urgent, desperate and
unhealthy need for each other. How? Why? I'm still not sure.
the cringe factor is pretty high in this book. If someone did what these
characters do in real life, they would probably have restraining orders
against them. For example, *** SPOILERS AHEAD - STOP READING HERE IF YOU
HAVEN"T READ THE BOOK AND INTEND TO *** After Eva runs off from him the
umpteenth time, he leaves Eva 21 messages in the space of about 30 minutes.
21. That's a lot of calls. Before that, he seems to have amassed all the
information he can about her, from who she's living with (and his sexual
orientation) through to whether or not her gym instructor is married. But
Eva's no better because she signs up for Google alerts on his name. Like
really? People do that? Later, Eva sends Gideon three, count them, THREE
separate lots of flowers with messages in one day and then hand delivers him
a gift. I mean, really? You don't think that's a tad bit much for just ONE
day? I guess it isn't when your lover takes a photo of you sleeping in your
own bedroom, then has your WHOLE bedroom recreated in his own home...to the
detail. And that's just so when you need space, you can run off your to 'own
' room without leaving his house. Eww. Eva's mother traces her cellphone,
Gideon traces Eva's credit card - I mean, billionaires stalking people when
they could be out yachting, travelling to exotic places, flying to the moon
or whatever it is billionaires do?
Then there's the jealousy. Gideon is suspicious of any unfamiliar male that
he hasn't got a file on and Eva is suspicious of every female in Gideon's
life, even his mother (!!). Both characters are so insecure, their actions
become laughable. ["Hello," he purred, his icy gaze on Martin. "Introduce us
."] Sexy and possessive? Or just plain rude?
At the end of the day, I liked this book, but I didn't. Sylvia Day has made
a good business decision to capitalise on 50 shades (which I haven't read
because I didn't care for the kindle sample I received) and I still like her
writing skills. She creates vivid scenes and has great command of language.
But I'm not crazy about some aspects of 'Bared' so I probably won't read
the rest of the series. I don't give a toss about Gideon's inner demons, and
Eva seems to have it together (she's a likeable heroine). There were so
many declarations of LOVE(from Eva) and NEED(from Gideon) that its already
clear from this first instalment that the two will be sticking with each
other through thick and thin while copulating fast and furiously. Glad I
read part one, but not holding my breath for part II.
1 (共1页)
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话题: gideon话题: eva话题: he话题: her话题: what