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Belief版 - Re: NieFeng, how did you get to know GOD?
The existence of God using logical absolutes从抗拒到接纳—我的蒙恩见证
与-NieFeng-商酌think before you say anything
Does God Exist? (Part 1)[合集] 挖个坑:关于翻译“I am who I am”
[合集] 如果神不完美,你还信神么How to Persuade an Atheist to Become Christian
Re: 怀疑论者(agnostic)算什么?G-ds existence cannot be proven, so religion is a matter of faith.
science and existence of God.完全靠刷题和GPA拿到offer,进公司能赶上吗
help please, Re: science and existence of God.Is Logic an Absolute?
话题: god话题: pharisees话题: niefeng话题: stuff话题: logically
1 (共1页)
发帖数: 25
that mistake is that people see the bad things by christian, then they assume
the God is phony or non-existent.
priest/pastor is to be blamed because they behaved like Pharisees to teach
wrong stuff and/or superstitious stuff and/or logically incompetent stuff, so
to make logically rigorous non-believers turn away from religion.
what is Pharisees?, then you have to read some history/theology. (not
necessary christian books or writings.)
发帖数: 435

The logic of many infidels is not what you thought.
Bad things by some christians just show some infidels that
the God (耶合华) whom these christians are describing is
phonier than before they know these bad things.
I know who are Pharisees.

【在 n*****g 的大作中提到】
: that mistake is that people see the bad things by christian, then they assume
: the God is phony or non-existent.
: priest/pastor is to be blamed because they behaved like Pharisees to teach
: wrong stuff and/or superstitious stuff and/or logically incompetent stuff, so
: to make logically rigorous non-believers turn away from religion.
: what is Pharisees?, then you have to read some history/theology. (not
: necessary christian books or writings.)

1 (共1页)
Is Logic an Absolute?神的邏輯
Is God Subject to Logic?Re: 怀疑论者(agnostic)算什么?
Is God Real? Evidence from the Laws of Logicscience and existence of God.
面试回来发考题1help please, Re: science and existence of God.
The existence of God using logical absolutes从抗拒到接纳—我的蒙恩见证
与-NieFeng-商酌think before you say anything
Does God Exist? (Part 1)[合集] 挖个坑:关于翻译“I am who I am”
[合集] 如果神不完美,你还信神么How to Persuade an Atheist to Become Christian
话题: god话题: pharisees话题: niefeng话题: stuff话题: logically