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Belief版 - Interesting show NG channel:"Was Darwin wrong?"
Falsifiability and Natural Selection达尔文从信到不信的转变 (进化?!)
Re: [转载] Re: 怎么这一段时间这里的人气这么差[合集] 推薦Stanford 線上課程 Darwin's Legacy
Re: Are you serious on debate? I highly doubt it.[合集] 凑热闹:SCIENCE VS. RELIGION (Z)
Modern thoughts in evolution as Neo-Darwinian (Z)If Darwin has really killed God, when was the funeral? (Z)
孟德尔 Gregor Mendel (1822-1884)转: 概率计算否定了进化论的核心
[合集] 批判《游子吟〉〉之3 zzlittletshirt 的拙劣謊言 (转载)
On Darwin's 200th, a theory still in controversy (zz)Re: 针对悲智歪解椤严经批判的回复
达尔文诞辰200周年,教廷承认进化论TIME杂志11月13号封面文章: 神与科学.
话题: darwin话题: science话题: wrong话题: naked话题: ng
1 (共1页)
发帖数: 3603
Maybe it will be of interest to some of you. I will watch it next month.
Naked Science: Was Darwin Wrong? 9/9 9pm ET
"Our planet Earth is teeming with life. To some, it's a miracle - but can
science explain how it came into existence? Critics have attacked the theory
of evolution for 150 years. They claim it is full of holes, and the gaps
reveal the hand of an Intelligent Designer. Who's right? Naked Science
investigates the most explosive science of them all and asks, was Darwin
1 (共1页)
TIME杂志11月13号封面文章: 神与科学.孟德尔 Gregor Mendel (1822-1884)
A good read from wikipedia - The God Delusion[合集] 批判《游子吟〉〉之3 zz
[合集] Re: Alex Jones 和 David Icke 谈On Darwin's 200th, a theory still in controversy (zz)
Christianity Restored Through The Prophet Joseph Smith达尔文诞辰200周年,教廷承认进化论
Falsifiability and Natural Selection达尔文从信到不信的转变 (进化?!)
Re: [转载] Re: 怎么这一段时间这里的人气这么差[合集] 推薦Stanford 線上課程 Darwin's Legacy
Re: Are you serious on debate? I highly doubt it.[合集] 凑热闹:SCIENCE VS. RELIGION (Z)
Modern thoughts in evolution as Neo-Darwinian (Z)If Darwin has really killed God, when was the funeral? (Z)
话题: darwin话题: science话题: wrong话题: naked话题: ng