

本页内容为未名空间相应帖子的节选和存档,一周内的贴子最多显示50字,超过一周显示500字 访问原贴
Belief版 - The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-Day Saints
摩门教相信宗教信仰自由(zz)Calgary Alberta Temple Open House
LDS: Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints and the InPew Study on Mormons in America
关于摩门教 -- 正统基督徒之间对摩门教的讨论和批判摩門對同性戀的態度正在改變 (CNN)
Muslims and Mormons'We Have Sinned Against You' (zz)
现场直播--181界教友大会I am a Mormon
The Book Of Mormon: "Tomorrow Is a Latter Day"摩门经证人
Mormons in the newsBook of Mormon 片段
话题: jesus话题: church话题: latter话题: christ话题: saints
1 (共1页)
发帖数: 15
(Mormonism) Colbert --
"To their credit, Mormonism's founders did sth that other self-proclaimed
prophets throught history never thought of: They lived in America. I'll
admit it even makes me a bit uncomfortable to think that my doctrine was
established somewhere as unseemly as the Meddle East.
The Church was founded after prophet Joseph Smith left a lucrative career
divining for treasure to find the golden plates containing the Book of
Mormon, which describes a visit by Jesus to America after H
1 (共1页)
Book of Mormon 片段现场直播--181界教友大会
Christianity Restored Through The Prophet Joseph Smith给我们一个机会告诉你我们是谁(ZZ)
摩门和抑郁The Book Of Mormon: "Tomorrow Is a Latter Day"
Mormon Beliefs, are they Christian?Mormons in the news
摩门教相信宗教信仰自由(zz)Calgary Alberta Temple Open House
LDS: Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints and the InPew Study on Mormons in America
关于摩门教 -- 正统基督徒之间对摩门教的讨论和批判摩門對同性戀的態度正在改變 (CNN)
Muslims and Mormons'We Have Sinned Against You' (zz)
话题: jesus话题: church话题: latter话题: christ话题: saints