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Belief版 - [合集] 凑热闹:SCIENCE VS. RELIGION (Z)
Falsifiability and Natural SelectionOn Darwin's 200th, a theory still in controversy (zz)
[nytimes]Basic Religion Test Stumps Many Americans达尔文诞辰200周年,教廷承认进化论
Re: [转载] Re: 怎么这一段时间这里的人气这么差达尔文从信到不信的转变 (进化?!)
Re: Are you serious on debate? I highly doubt it.[合集] 推薦Stanford 線上課程 Darwin's Legacy
Modern thoughts in evolution as Neo-Darwinian (Z)If Darwin has really killed God, when was the funeral? (Z)
孟德尔 Gregor Mendel (1822-1884)转: 概率计算否定了进化论的核心
Interesting show NG channel:"Was Darwin wrong?"littletshirt 的拙劣謊言 (转载)
[合集] 批判《游子吟〉〉之3 zz宗教,民间信仰和邪教(Revised)
话题: vs话题: science话题: religion话题: darwin话题: scientists
1 (共1页)
发帖数: 3242
eftoman (喜欢弥生多过小叶子) 于 (Thu Jan 22 12:19:27 2009) 提到:
Has Darwin Failed?
By Markus Becker
Human beings, animals and plants were not created by God, but are the result
of evolution. Charles Darwin published this revolutionary theory 150 years
ago. It's been a huge success with scientists, but it was never popular. Is
the human brain wired toward supernatural belief?
The news sounded like an important breakthrough. "Scientists at the Universi
ty of Oxfor
1 (共1页)
宗教,民间信仰和邪教(Revised)Modern thoughts in evolution as Neo-Darwinian (Z)
Re: 看大家都在讨论神的问题,到底大家相信有神吗孟德尔 Gregor Mendel (1822-1884)
Quotes on ReligionsInteresting show NG channel:"Was Darwin wrong?"
More on Religions[合集] 批判《游子吟〉〉之3 zz
Falsifiability and Natural SelectionOn Darwin's 200th, a theory still in controversy (zz)
[nytimes]Basic Religion Test Stumps Many Americans达尔文诞辰200周年,教廷承认进化论
Re: [转载] Re: 怎么这一段时间这里的人气这么差达尔文从信到不信的转变 (进化?!)
Re: Are you serious on debate? I highly doubt it.[合集] 推薦Stanford 線上課程 Darwin's Legacy
话题: vs话题: science话题: religion话题: darwin话题: scientists