

本页内容为未名空间相应帖子的节选和存档,一周内的贴子最多显示50字,超过一周显示500字 访问原贴
Belief版 - 给我们一个机会告诉你我们是谁(ZZ)
LDS (Mormon) Prophet Wilford WoodruffBook of Mormon 片段
600+ ex-mormon topic(不定期更新)NBC's "Mormon In America"
'We Have Sinned Against You' (zz)关于摩门教 -- 正统基督徒之间对摩门教的讨论和批判
LDS: Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints and the InThe Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-Day Saints
Pew Study on Mormons in America摩门教怎么看Bible?
摩门教相信宗教信仰自由(zz)Muslims and Mormons
Christianity Restored Through The Prophet Joseph SmithLDS Church Responds to HRC Petition
一个摩门教徒的真实生活回忆Testimony of the Book of Mormon
话题: our话题: us话题: mormon话题: what话题: christ
1 (共1页)
发帖数: 9485
Mormon's are made up of all varieties of people found in almost every
country in the world. Mormon is the nickname given to the "Church of Jesus
Christ of Latter-day Saints.
Most of the time, we prefer to be called LDS but calling us a "Mormon" is
okay to do. What we do not want you to think, for a second, is that we do
not follow Jesus Christ and live by his teachings. Our message is a unique
one given to the world. We talk of Prophets and Apostles as was mentioned of
old... we speak of revelation... but what we DEFINITELY do have is a
different culture that defines us as Latter-day Saints. From our fascination
with Jello deserts to a "once a week" family night that we call Family Home
Evening, some could look at us as a bit quirky.
It is our hope that all will want to be friends with us and give us a chance
to tell you what we believe. There is plenty of hearsay, quotes that are
taken out of context, and our own church doctrine being explained by others
not of our faith.
Whether their assessment is what they truly believe or not, let US give it a
shot to explain what we believe. Get your information, "From the Horses
Mouth." so to speak.
发帖数: 9485
There be many who would like to assume that role and presume to know all
about us. As members of the church, it is our pleasure to share with you our
thoughts on Christ and why we believe the things that we do. It is our
prayer that you will put your faith and trust in the Lord Jesus to discover
our message and that it comes from God. If you have doubts about our
doctrine brought up by opponents of the church, then visit
and get them cleared up!
This video more or less was my candid testimony of my faith. I've made some
serious videos before. I wanted to make one that is "light-hearted" and I
wanted to put some great music to the slide show and keep it brief.
Music by Robbie Williams
Performed by David Archuleta
发帖数: 9485
1 (共1页)
Testimony of the Book of MormonPew Study on Mormons in America
The Book Of Mormon: "Tomorrow Is a Latter Day"Christianity Restored Through The Prophet Joseph Smith
LDS Church in Black Africa一个摩门教徒的真实生活回忆
LDS (Mormon) Prophet Wilford WoodruffBook of Mormon 片段
600+ ex-mormon topic(不定期更新)NBC's "Mormon In America"
'We Have Sinned Against You' (zz)关于摩门教 -- 正统基督徒之间对摩门教的讨论和批判
LDS: Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints and the InThe Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-Day Saints
话题: our话题: us话题: mormon话题: what话题: christ