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Biology版 - new paper on rice genome
Second Paper - Random Journal ClubRe: where to find whole sequence of a gene?
Re: 无法解释的结果,有点复杂,有空的同学请看大家对这个有啥看法 compare genome to computer
share room----12th International Symposium on Rice Functional Genomics请教一个DNA sonication的问题
Re: a bioinformatics question求教: 细菌genome分析
现在大家都用什么软件模拟protein structurethe Real Cost of Sequencing
RecBCD敲除Opening Faculty position in human genomics, UMB
如何做两个细菌的基因组序列和蛋白质序列的比较软件请教做单个病人的whole cancer genome 测序的意义
Re: 哪个杂志审稿进程更快一点?Paper help
话题: genome话题: nature话题: rice话题: paper话题: chr
1 (共1页)
发帖数: 587
in the latest issue of nature, two team, one by chinese.
发帖数: 70
one of them, a group in China different from the HuaDa Genome
Center, addressed the sequence of chr. 4 for O. sativa (i cannot
remember whethere this is the same subspecie as the draft seq.).
this work showed the 34.6Mb-long chr. 4 has the longest known
centromere in plants, harbors 4658 predicted proteins and 70
tRNAs. it domonstrates syntenies shared with other subspecies,
but little conservation to Arabido psis for gene orders (pay attn.
synteny but not homology).
Nature 420:316
the other gro

【在 l*****k 的大作中提到】
: in the latest issue of nature, two team, one by chinese.
1 (共1页)
Paper help现在大家都用什么软件模拟protein structure
zt 去年 Gerstein 在 GB 发的牢骚文章大家有没有看看RecBCD敲除
tools to open GFF3 or GVF files如何做两个细菌的基因组序列和蛋白质序列的比较软件
求bioinfo/genomics工作推荐Re: 哪个杂志审稿进程更快一点?
Second Paper - Random Journal ClubRe: where to find whole sequence of a gene?
Re: 无法解释的结果,有点复杂,有空的同学请看大家对这个有啥看法 compare genome to computer
share room----12th International Symposium on Rice Functional Genomics请教一个DNA sonication的问题
Re: a bioinformatics question求教: 细菌genome分析
话题: genome话题: nature话题: rice话题: paper话题: chr